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Everything posted by mandyjo62

  1. must not post things like this! lol
  2. Happy Birthday! hope you had a good one
  3. Happy Birthday! Hope you have a good one!
  4. mandyjo62

    13 more days!!!!!!!

    We start on Tuesday the 21st, have a 2:00 release, and then go back for full days the rest of the week. I don't get why they start it on a Tuesday. Maybe cuz Monday's are never good, haha. Believe it or not, I'm excited for school to start. Volleyball practice starts here real soon, too. If I get to
  5. hey, that's awsome! i was just informed i won a trip to NC looks like we're good luck today! haha hope ya have fun and get a good trophy!!
  6. mandyjo62


    lol nope, hadn't until now, haha, thanks for puttin that link up Buckee!
  7. mandyjo62


    I was just informed (in a very cruel way by my dad, lol) that I won the hunting trip to North Carolina in December!! Thanks Hunters Helping Kids for making this possible. I think my brother might get to go with, he will be on leave sometime in December before his second tour of Iraq, which makes this all the more special! Plus...I can enter it in the deer contest
  8. My favorite topic ever! haha, I listen to everything. Rock, Metal, Emo, Screamo, Reggaeton, Classic Rock, Country, HipHop, Rap, Pop...really everything. I love Papa Roach, Nickelback, Hawthorne Heights, The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus....I'm always playing music, wherever I am. I can't live without it.
  9. i agree, have to love the buck jumping!
  10. dang travis. when ya said you were gonna find a new buddy cuz i was abusive i didnt think ya meant it lol u must be desperate. hahaha
  11. hahaha me too, and my parents make me pick them most of the time. just makes me hate them worse!
  12. mandyjo62

    new game

    my best was 66.644 till i quit...cuz my mom walked in when i was playin it and slowly shook her head and walked away LOL i put it on favorites tho...hehe
  13. mandyjo62

    new game addicting game lol. I made it to the wall right below the window. still can't get it out the window...i will keep trying LOL
  14. that's alot of hay!! my parents been busy hauling in hay, too, while i do other random stuff, but not nearly that much hay! OJR, you're right about how the work never ends. as soon as we're done with that, we start calving heifers (yeah, we calve in fall, a little different) and then cows and then brand, hunting season, breeding...
  15. archery season for deer/elk starts here september 1st *woot*
  16. i got 108.41 wpm and 2 mistakes............ i need a life lol
  17. I love a ham or turkey sandwich, with mayo, cheese, and BBQ sauce.. I also eat chips on my sandwiches, especially PB&J sandwiches. My whole family uses a knife to cut up eggs (over easy) into little tiny pieces...and then they use their toast to mop it up. I think that's about it for
  18. mandyjo62


    usually there's something better to watch on tv...when i rarely watch anything
  19. nice bike, but def. be careful...i lost another friend to a motorcycle crash last month, very tragic, be safe!
  20. mandyjo62


    congrats! just stay away from the Marines' base, there are some wild guys there, haha, my brother will be hittin the waves again soon.
  21. congrats to ya, and good luck , my older brother (24 years old) is gettin married on 7/7/07 as well
  22. mandyjo62

    daily trivia!!!

    i had to laugh, one of the questions it gave me was "In which country would you find Lake Michigan?" The choices were Belgium, Canada, Bhutan, and Cote de lvorie