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Everything posted by mandyjo62

  1. 90%, missed copa cabana beach and disney epcot center
  2. mandyjo62

    X-box system

    have you sold it yet??
  3. My mom got me up at like 8:30 Coulda slept much, much later than that tho lol
  4. mandyjo62

    Christmas gifts

    I get two Christmases this year. Cuz two of my brothers and one sister in law could only come this past weekend. So from them, I got stuff for my new .243--a bore snake, cartridge reloader, butt cartridge carrier, and sling... So I'm pretty happy so far =D Oh and I got a new hoodie from the neighbors who are like my other family lol I'm spoiled. But the best present is that my Marine brother got to come home for awhile, and he brought his new bride [whom we had never met]
  5. Merry Christmas everyone!!! I hope you all have a great day. Here's another entertaining game too
  6. So my 3 brothers, 2 sister-in-laws, and dad were all drinking on Friday night. Someone leaned against the dishwasher and put the powerdry thing on, while it was running.. Our dishwasher already has a tendancy of gettin stuck and running all night, and the powerdry is extremely...HOT and no one checked it that night Soo in the morning we had a ton of melted plastic, and the dishwasher pretty much self destructed. The soonest we can get a new one is like the 29th. So I'm stuck doing all the dishes. At least my new sister-in-law helps out Family:mad: :rolleyes:Gotta love em tho lol
  7. My mom and I did some last-minute shopping today. Then this evening my parents, Marine brother, and new Navy sister-in-law sat down and ate our family tradition, clam chowder. My dad and I watched The Christmas Story [another tradition]. Now we're sittin together in the basement watching Deck the Halls. That's basically my Christmas Eve for ya =]
  8. Here, check out this story. It's a great bull!! Even more, read the comments about the story.
  9. I'm home!! But with no more points for our team. I had a chance to shoot a doe, but that was the first thing I saw Saturday morning, and I'm too picky to shoot the first thing I see lol. I was gonna shoot a lil spike but never got a clear shot. Sorry =[[ Anyways, it's late, I'm tired, off to bed. Talk to ya guys later. Mandy Jo
  10. Hey everyone. I'm headed off to North Carolina here in a few hours so I probably won't be back on 'till Monday. Will hopefully get some more points up on the scoreboard for us. =]] Good luck to you all while I'm gone!!
  11. Hey guys!! I got a 4x5 mulie last Sunday [the last day of my season], got that entered, so 15 more points for us =]] I'm headed off to North Carolina next week, hopefully I'll bring home some more points!! Good luck to all of you!! Mandy Jo
  12. Alrite, change mine to US or Canada, Shaun gave me crap =D and made me feel bad ha ha ha so yeah I'll ship either way.
  13. Hehe we have snow too =]] It'll go away by the end of this weekend I bet though.
  14. Congrats too all of them, superguide:D:D:p:cool:
  15. sweet!! congrats to you guys on your trophies!! gotta love Montana =]]
  16. A: Nope, don't use a shot/sluggun for deer. Q: Do you hunt on your own/family's land, state land, friends, etc.?
  17. mandyjo62

    Hello everyone

    Hey there, nice to meet ya, and welcome to the forums =]] we won't abuse ya...too much:D
  18. Gahhhh we still haven't found him. Nothing about it makes sense, either. The blood trail just completely stopped, and we don't think that he could have jumped over a fence and kept going...just ticks me off, cuz I would have shot him a second time when I found him tryin to climb uphill if my dad and his buddy hadn't driven up and scared him away :[
  19. Holy crap!! Glad you're ok!! Someone upstairs is watching out for you!
  20. Hey guys, hope all is going well for you. I haven't gotten out to hunt much...too much of my time is taken up by school, homework, and workin at home. I went out this morning and went after a decent 4x4 buck, he was after the does and wouldn't stop, so when he finally slowed down I took a shot at him [aimed a little in front of the vital area], he reared up and took off...I guess I aimed a little too far forward, and I hit him square on the shoulder as he was walking...his shoulder was shattered and his leg all dangly...had a good blood trail going, along with bone chunks [lovely], and then it just stopped...we're hoping he went and laid down somewhere, so I'm gonna have to go back out and look for him again in a little bit when my dad finishes the things he had to do this morning. I really hope we can find him... Good luck to everyone else, will let you know if I find him or not!! Mandyjo62