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Everything posted by mandyjo62

  1. you can have our was 100ish today..and very humid
  2. mandyjo62

    daily trivia!!!

    obviously i need to pay attention more, i got 8/10 but i was also talkin on messanger and took a long time to do it, haha
  3. mandyjo62

    Wild Blue

    Yup, we have it. We live about 40 miles from town, so it's a good deal for us. There are 3 different packages. The Value Pack is $50/month, the Select Pack is $70, and the Pro Pack is $80. We chose the middle one, which comes with download speeds up to 1M, up to 5 email addresses, 10MB of web space, spam and virus filtering, and optional dial-up access. It's a good deal for us, with dial-up it was soooo slow, would hang up all the time, and tie up the phone lines. Wild Blue cost way less than getting an extra phone line in, just to have the slow dial-up without tieing up the phone!!
  4. glad you are both ok, i lost a friend to a drunk driver accident a few months ago, and you should definately take action on this one, the airbags definately shoulda gone off!
  5. Re: New cell phone that's just not
  6. Re: It has been so so long....but I am back welcome back and good luck!
  7. Re: Pecans in the Cemetery (joke) heard that before but still a good one!!
  8. mandyjo62

    Do this it's funny.

    Re: Do this it\'s funny. wow...please don't tell me that you're the one who discovered that...because if you did you need something to do!! but that is funny stuff right there!!
  9. mandyjo62

    Color test

    Re: Color test 100% first time
  10. mandyjo62

    Just curious?????

    Re: Just curious????? Amazingly, I've heard of him. Our 4H book for cowboy poetry has "The Cremation of Sam McGee" in it, and on the cd that comes with it.
  11. Re: This is April PIC we have about 2"-3" left right now , we had 6", it started melting and then started snowing again. Last night it got down to 6*F . Not fun! In town the little kids are gonna have to put on their snowsuits to find the Easter Eggs
  12. Re: \"The Reaping\" movie i wanna see it but its kinda rated a little over what i can legally go to see
  13. Re: Your Heritage/Nationality haha I'm also a mutt, I'm Cherokee/Norwegian/Irish/Scottish, and probably alot more, those are just the main ones lol
  14. Re: Will everyone do something for me? prayers from montana to her, her family, and her friends, and i hope shes found soon!
  15. Re: question to everyone deer, elk, coyotes, turkeys, thats about it for now...unless you count shootin gophers/prarie dogs "hunting"
  16. mandyjo62

    Weekend plans

    Re: Weekend plans meh we have to wean calves today and then tomorrow who knows, just basically getting ready for our first track practice
  17. Re: DEVIL DOG The Few, The Proud, The MARINES sweet tat! my bro will prolly get some when he gets back from Iraq, hes a Hollywood Marine too his buddy has a "Death B4 Dishonor USMC" tat on his right forearm, its pretty cool too
  18. Re: How many of ya... hey, since yer in montana too, where do you prefer to board at?
  19. Re: What\'s your favorite sport to play??? i forgot to mention snowboarding!!! lol
  20. snowboard or ski? I'm still recovering from our school ski trip that we had yesterday. I boarded, as usual, (never skiied in my life) and had a blast. Since our jr. high goes as a group (whoever wants to go) we pay $20 for skiing, $30 for boarding, which covers board/ski and boot rentals, plus the lessons that we get. Let's just say, my face is like crispy fried, haha.
  21. mandyjo62


    Re: Slip-N-Slide aww no fair!!that looks really fun about now!! its about 40 here and windy though
  22. Re: What\'s your favorite sport to play??? ahh i love basketball, and track, and rodeo!! i can't just chose one over the other, they're all great. i also play volleyball, and just screw around and play football with friends
  23. Re: whos youngest? i turned 14 on december 30th
  24. Re: help with an avatar? haha whats wrong with your avatar right now?? i think its rly amusing but im easily entertained like that i guess!