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Everything posted by mule659

  1. I must say as much as I love bowhunting that you made a good call on the .338
  2. Nothing like the first one...that's awesome!
  3. Awesome news! Always nice to get a new spot to hunt.
  4. Awesome for you! They keep coming out on the other end of the field from me while I am deer hunting.
  5. Gotta love meat for the freezer.
  6. That's pretty cool...always great to be entertained by nature while you are in a stand or blind.
  7. HAHAHAHA always love it when the cowgirls lose!!
  8. I have always used fixed heads and have shot many styles like Muzzy, G5 Strikers and Montec's, Steel Force, NAP Thunderheads and am now using Magnus. They have all worked well so I dont see the reason to use mechanicals.
  9. Very nice and great deer on the right!
  10. I would definately say something to him. There is no reason for him to go inviting people into land that is not his.
  11. Way to go! I'm not much of a fan of the crows lol
  12. Looks like a great time indeed
  13. Well guys I let some points walk by today...I don't feel bad about it though. She was just a young doe and with it being only my second day out of the year there is no way I was shooting a youngster. I want her to grow up and have some healthy babies! Maybe her momma or daddy will come out tomorrow for me!!
  14. Nice pics...maybe I should put out some minerals lol
  15. Any word on her? Hopw you find her
  16. What a freak! I would love to send an arrow through him! Hope you can get him!
  17. I use and swear by my ripcord. Contains my arrows and is built extremely well...put them on all my bows.