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Everything posted by mule659

  1. Either folding camp chair or plastic yard chair
  2. Awesome buck if I can get one to come out here in SW Missouri
  3. mule659

    Face mask???

    I never wear one unless I am at ground level...not had a problem as of yet
  4. Wow that would be story though as long as I'm reading about it and not telling it lol
  5. Giant...that is all that needs to be said lol
  6. Well I have gotten my first butt whooping of the year lol...I'm sure it wont be the last but it was a great night out...just wish the deer would have come to my end of the field.
  7. I am shooting 100's...they fly great out of my set up and allow the perfect amount of weight I want on my arrow...125 would be heavier than I want my arrow and 85 would be too light...100's make sense to me!
  8. Love the what do I need to do to add it I said earlier I am not too good with computers.
  9. I am going out for the first time tonight...hopefully I can get us some points!
  10. Well I am finally getting to go out for the first time tonight...season has only been open 3 days but it sure seems like a lot longer when I have not been able to go lol...hopefully I can get a doe for the freezer...big buck would work too Hopefully I will be back on later with some pics and good news.
  11. Yeah I hear ya on the job gotta do what you gotta do...just get out there early and make for a great season while you can!
  12. I'm going to have to go with my Mizzou Tigers all the way...would love to see Chase Daniel win the Heismann as well.
  13. mule659

    Got hitched

    Congrats to you! I will be getting hitched my self this spring.
  14. I have shot them quite a bit. I shot them some last year out of an 07 Guardian and the year before out of a 04 Hoyt Vtec. Used Beman Max 4 and Vapor Pro Series arrows by blackhawk. They were great heads and never had anything to complain about with them. I just wanted to get something I could pop new blades in so I switched to a Striker by G5 last year.
  15. What a way to start things out for the year!
  16. Yeah I guess you could call those deer shooters...if you're into that lol jk I'd whack either of them without hesitation given the chance
  17. That is a fat one! Those little guys sure can be a pest
  18. That is awesome...would be curious to see how old he really is.