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Everything posted by arrow32

  1. arrow32

    This is COOL !!

    Thats awesome! I would love to do that.
  2. arrow32

    Hit a doe

    Sorry for the first two posts:Dlol Was a little mad. Just read my orginal post and I had typed in it saying I didn't find any blood or anything when I went to check the area and backed out and stuff looked around for a couple hours. Thats long story short. I must have deleted it from the post or something. I don't know. Be back in the morning. Sorry...
  3. Sounds like a good morning. Put the smack down on one.
  4. arrow32

    Hit a doe

    PS...I love how people just assume you don't try awesome guys. I looked for I'd say atleast a couple hours with nothing.
  5. arrow32

    Hit a doe

    Good God yes I tracked her no blood I gave her a couple hours and still nothing. Backed out going back in the morning. Can't really track with no blood its just grid searches and the area she went into is so thick there ain't no going threw it.
  6. Awesome buck. I want more pics to tho.
  7. arrow32

    Hit a doe

    Hit a doe this morning. It was a slow none eventful monring in stand today saw 2 deer. I decided I'd climb down and go eat at the car get warmed up a little and head into a different stand. Well I'm walking out and jump 2 doe across the creek from me and they were about 30 yards. I wasn't going to shoot but then I said heck lets put some meat down. Pulled up made the shot thwack. I'm thinking yes! Then as I'm watching her run off the arrow is sticking out quite a bit. Well crap what happened. She was quartering away some but I was comftortable with the shot. I'm headed to the bow shop here soon to get BH's only have one now. Little torked about it I shouldn't have done that should have been dead deer. Oh well next time. In the morning I'm going to see what I can find out there. Good luck. Sorry for the long post:D
  8. Nice steve. I'm liking the hair. Mine is growing back out right now. I'm not sure if I'm going to cut it off or not.
  9. Even a 7 foot rattler is a monster! Dang no way I'd want to see that out in the woods.
  10. Congrats on a good turkey!
  11. Congrats bow!! I'll be out all day Saturday. Best of luck to you guys. Hoping to see a nice one.
  12. Listen to alot of different things and I think it does help me out.
  13. Listen to alot of different things and I think it does help me out.
  14. Awesome day. Glad you had some good hunting bud.
  15. arrow32

    It's snowing.

    Sounds pretty nice. There are calling for snow/rain here saturday. If it does this will be the earliest I have ever saw snow in this town.
  16. Thats a really cool mount. Wouldn't mind to have one also a buck that big to!
  17. Thats an awesome buck. Congrats!
  18. Dang he was up there. I know people who hunt that high tho so it don't surpise me none.
  19. I'd try everything they said. Worse comes to worse tho do what you have to and stay hush hush.