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Everything posted by arrow32

  1. Awesome she wants to get out and go hunting. There pretty nice bows. Will do her good and get some meat on the ground.
  2. I never did figure out how to win. That thing is a bunch of crap:D
  3. Congrats! The time sure does fly on here. Been here over 4 years now myself. Sure don't seem like its been that long tho I'll tell you that.
  4. Only 33? This time last year I was seeing atleast 3 or 4 bucks a night with I'd say 8 or 9 different doe:D
  5. Great looking buck. Hope one of you guys are able to smack him.
  6. Good pics. You really got some bucks that are going to be monsters in a year or two. That last pic I'd take him out in a heart beat with my bow...I think...I second guess myself alot when I'm about to
  7. Good news Tom. Don't think its going to be here either. But Friday is a different story. 70% chance of rain on Friday. I'll be out tho trying my luck. Thursday night I'll be up in one of my honey holes. Will be the first time this year. Really wanting it to bring me some luck.
  8. Great story! You best be ground checking that buck!
  9. Congrats on a great first buck!
  10. Good luck Rags! Sounds like it might be a winner mossy. Hope it works for you. I'll be out Thursday night and also Friday morning. Hoping to put some meat down on the ground. We will see tho.
  11. arrow32

    Car broke down

    Sure did change it. William we think it might have just been bad gas as well. Not to sure guess we will find out in time won't we.
  12. Best of luck Tom! I'll be out Thursday after my class. I'll get out around 12 so should be a good evening sit.
  13. arrow32

    Car broke down

    I don't think its an 02 sensor my old car had one go bad on it. Not acting the same. Thinking more along the lines of fuel pump. Acting like my moms jeep did when her's went out dad said.
  14. Best of luck on your farming! Hope it goes great for you that'd be alot of fun but alot of hard work.
  15. arrow32

    Car broke down

    Its a 96 Neon. Got it running fine. What the crap is up I have no idea we will see how long it lasts.
  16. Hate to hear that. Hope you have some better luck tonight. I'd be tickedas well tho about that. I understand not just going in anyway.
  17. Like they said. Your mind is getting you. Forget about the misses and focus on your next shot.
  18. Thats awesome! Great story. Congrats to the 3 of you.
  19. arrow32

    Car broke down

    We are William. Got it home today. It started thank God. Has a pretty bad miss tho. No idea why. Were going ahead and putting a new fuel filter on it.