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Everything posted by arrow32

  1. arrow32


    I'd shoot him. No doubt. Very unique buck.
  2. Buddy went out with me tonight since he shot a deer this morning. We threw a stand up above one I had hung and he was going to video. What happened? Didn't see a stinking deer until about 10 minutes till dark and there was no way of getting a shot off then. Got skunked. Oh well. Will be back out in the morning.
  3. Glad it went better this time:D Tell you tho the first time was much funnier.
  4. Thats a great looking stand. Hope you have some good luck in it.
  5. arrow32


    Twitter I think is about Blake tho that guy is funny!!
  6. arrow32


    Was 2.59 a gallon here today.
  7. Fresh Earth for me. Don't wear cologne to often. Just when I go out. Heck anymore I'm to lazy to wear it then to.
  8. Congrats to the both of you!! Best of luck to both of you hunting this year.
  9. I run into the same problems with them not being long enough and the sleeves not being long enough.
  10. BTW How the world did you manage to do that Gary?
  11. arrow32

    A Neat Way.....

    Thats an awesome mount!
  12. lol makes me laugh every time.
  13. You've taken alot of different game! Great pics.
  14. Great pics. Congrats on the bird!
  15. Same thing happened to me Saturday but she was quartering away from me. Hope your able to find em but I had nothing on mine at all either and ended up not finding. I'm sure she is dead up in there somewhere but with no blood or anything its extremely hard to look for them. Do a grid search is about the best thing you can do.
  16. Best of luck on getting another chance at him!
  17. LOL! I can't wait to hear what happens.
  18. arrow32


    Yep its going up here. Jumped up to 2.75 a gallon today. Crazy.