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Everything posted by arrow32

  1. Just to get some conversation going in here. Got a new vortek pistol there yesterday havnt done any research on what people are getting the best shooting out of with what bullets and how much grains of powder and what not. Just thought maybe someone would have an idea. Thinking about maybe starting out with 50 grains and not sure what bullet. Thatll all depend on what I read how much powder might change as well to.
  2. Looks good. Trappin wouldn't be a bad idea for them. If you have a local trapping store close or a small shop who sells any they can normally help you get started if you need the help.
  3. Decent looking buck. If your able to pass on him he will be a nice one next year.
  4. That's a dandy buck and a great looking mount.
  5. arrow32

    New guns

    I forgot to mention that the vortek was just bought about 3 months ago an never been shot. Sorry about the double pic upload thought I deleted it it must not have let me.
  6. Hope you get some better pics here soon to get the blood movin a little bit.
  7. arrow32

    New guns

    Yesterday at work I picked me up 2 new muzzle loaders for one heck of a price. One is a traditions vortek and the other is a traditions grey hawk. I only bought the vortek because I thought it looked I know good reason to buy gun. There both .50 calibers. The grey hawk is precation.(sp?) But when I was looking at the vortek and told him I'd take it I had asked him what he wanted me to do with the other gun he goes just throw it in your truck you can have it. I'm like really? I was excited as all get out because it's a pretty cool gun to. He said yea. So I got 2 guns for not even the price of one. I was happier than fat kid in a candy store. [ATTACH]12133[/ATTACH]
  8. Thems some good lookin fish. Will make for some good eatin if that's what there gonna do with them.
  9. Dang that's a lot of water. We have had showers all week this week good showers to that really soak the ground. Still could use a lot more rain but it's better than what it was.
  10. arrow32


    Like said above not sure you have all the options to do everything from yor phone as you do your computer. Welcome to the boards
  11. arrow32


    Glad your treatments will or are over. Wish you nothing but the best!
  12. arrow32

    AR brown trout

    Real good lookin fish. Love it.
  13. arrow32


    Sorry to hear this! You all will be in my prays
  14. arrow32


    Salsa sounds good an yep the apple sauce sounds real good. We have been having a ton of cucumbers come off alone with other stuff.
  15. Well we have one healthy baby! Got to see some pics and listen to the heart beat. Rey move the due date up a couple weeks but all is good. This is goin to go fast I can all ready tell. Also to top off a good day going to watch randy houser tonight at the fair
  16. Lol I'm waitin to hear looks like your having twins lol
  17. arrow32

    hey y'all

    Welcome to the forums
  18. arrow32


    Dang apple sauce sounds
  19. Hey got the first ultra sound this afternoon will let you all know how it goes. Been really busy gettin empty apartments ready and remodeling at home for Ashley's and mines bedroom and other stuff so not had much time to be on here. Will update you guys later on how the apt went.
  20. Welcome to the forum! Nice camo lol
  21. Nice. Hope you see some deer on them this fall!