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Everything posted by deerkillr777

  1. I have good 4g lte service were I wanna put one
  2. I'm looking for new trail camera. Thinking of going wireless so that they send pics right to me or I can get online and view them. I was wondering if anyone has used any of these and what the pros and cons are. I also have been looking at the cuddebacks.
  3. How far is the recording range on these? Doing some research wouldn't mind video some hunting or fishing by doing something like this???
  4. Not sure where to post this so. I'm in search of some good land to hunt kind of manageable. I'm a 23 year old male with lots of farming. Back ground. Hunt some small land now along with public game lands and some mountains. I live in Northumberland county.. so I hunt wmu 4d and 4e. I am looking for more of a cabin mountain type hunting. Property. Someplace were I can go all year to hunt and have a decent place to stay. If anyone has any info it would be nice to hear from you. I bow hunt rifle hunt small game and turkey. I have done some coyote and fox hunting but not to much. Thanks Nate
  5. Thanks guys hope all you have luck this weekend if you go out
  6. What's the best calls or techniques you guys use for roosting birds the night before the hunt. Never tried this before but heard a lot about it. I'm here no central to eastern pa
  7. i ordered one i have both on semi private ground and priivate ground but i still dont trust people there still guys who tresspass you know. I dont wanna take a chance
  8. Wildgame Innovations X10CG Security Box - CAMLOCKbox
  9. Anyone use these Cam lock boxes from im thinking on buying one or to hold my wildgame innovations x10cg without the wifi module. they seem to be quite durable and im sure it worth it i dont want my cameras stolen. THanks nate
  10. im looking into getting a new bow so i might try them both n see what i like the most
  11. Seen trophy ridge has vertical pins what's you opinions on vertical over horizontal?
  12. beman ics hunter 500 arrows 7.3gpi. shot maybe 100 times between all 6 arrows one has a small nick in the vain can be reflected and one arrow has blazer vains. $25.00
  13. id liek to get one soon and practice casue turkey season dont start till the end of april and i wanan do alot of turkey hunting this year
  14. i am jsut starting out into the slate calling i been normally a box call user with good luck i picked up a slate the other day i liked it better then a box call so what works best slate or glass. wanna get some opinions on what to go out and buy befor i buy one or two thanks nate
  15. here in pa we have had the 3 point on one side the last 5 or more years i forget but i knwo all over the place i have seen alot bigger bucks and the last two years they went to a 2 week buck and one week doe split season and i have seen the deer population aroudn here pick up i think its all a good idea and it should stay this way. i have a 17 acer patch i hunt with my cousin and older uncle, nd alos a 400 acer land i hunt but on these lands we follow the rules but no one around us really cares about deer size they jsut wanna shot if its brown it down pretty much in there eyes. so i never get a good chance at keepin the bigger bucks and letting the little ones grow.
  16. not enough other trees with good cover around thats why i picked this big silver maple to put a lock on in
  17. yeah that aitn what i liked to hear i would say 2 year old aint much for chances of deer getting big in these woods to many hunters shooting whatever and i dont think ill hunt there again till atleast friday
  18. jsut left gander mountain they had oen i got to try it out and i liked it think ill be buying me one in a couople weeks or someone get it for me for christmas
  19. Went out hunting yesterday morning didnt see anything so i went for a strol nice an slow threw the woods and found another tree that i thought would be a great place to set up a new stand about 100 yards from my other one. So I went back home got my other hang on stand and took it with me and went and hung it in the nice big silver maple about 18 to 20 feet off the ground. I had to get to work sense i work second shift so i just did a quick job of ratching it to the tree so it wouldnt move and fall. So I went back out about 1130 this morning to secure it in. grass and leave still a little wet so I look around no deer. so I climb the tree and back go to get in my stand and there stands a small basket rack 8 point back probally a 2 1/2 year old deer. so we had a stand off for 10 minutes befor he decided to run off. do you think he will be back in there or do you think i have spooked him off. i wanna hunt this tomarrow morning or friday morning?
  20. i hat a stream light that take the 2 AA batteries and i love it thats why i was thinking this for a spot light work like on the farm and hunting for yoes and foxes around dusk early dark
  21. got back in there this morning seen soem tracks but no deer gotta work second shift now so i only get to do morning hunting i like to hunt evening better
  22. I am thinking abotu buying the streamlight waypoint pitol grip LED spotlight. does anyone have one? how do you like it? is it worth the money? it has good reviews on bass pro shops.
  23. anyone use this new caller from wildgame inovations. thinking abou8t getting one want more oppinions i wanna hunt yotes and foxes daytime and early evening
  24. How long should i wait to hunt ground that i jsut had tiem to clear to get to a stand i have had there for years just didnt have tiem ot get in and clean a trail to it befor this weekend. i would like ot hunt it morning this week. i was up there today for abotu 2 hours chainsawing trees and running aroudn with a 4 wheeler.