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Everything posted by deerkillr777

  1. deerkillr777


    what do u guys feed you minnows if u cath them from a creek for live bait for trout i woudl think liek fish food but liek tube worms or whatever but idk jut give me soem ideas and what a good line for walleye and what lbs
  2. good luck all i jsut foudn out turkey season aint gonan be good for me wish it was this is my second year turkey hunting and i am going all bow no gun if it all goes good ill be out atleast 1 or 2 days thats about it because of some family stuff mom planed and idk y she does that crap but me and my cousin r going out already been out seeing some nice birds so i hope it works out good with me and my bow
  3. thafor al lthe help it is not untill i am 21 till i can legally carry one but dad is thinking of gettign me one for me and him to just go have fun at the range close by well guy thanks nate
  4. i am thinking s& w or remington or savage and yes pistol i know 22 ammo is cheaper but i want a little more distance and knock down power
  5. i am thinking a .17 or a .22 pistal jsut for goign out shootign around and shooting soem rats and groundhogs at the farm i am leaning more towards a 17 thna a 22 because i want somethign with a little more power and distance. what all do you guys suggest thanks nate
  6. cobra side winder or boomslang 2 great sight from cobra
  7. i love my sidewinder 3 pin i am thinking of adding a 4th and maybe a 5th pin so i can get soem longer distances i have a 10 20 and 30 i want atleast a 40 pin its a great sight i love mine and its brigt even in very little light no need for a light
  8. the reason for all this is a bunch of city slickers who aint deucated and dont know anything about hunting
  9. WILD BOAR: May be taken while lawfully hunting deer, bear or fall turkey. Unlimited. whats up with this has anyone heard anythgin and were they have been released i heard they were relaeased out back of mifflinburg pa or up aroudn the ny boarder aint sure cause the guy i heard it from hunts both areas i think this is some bs but atleast there unlimited by y cant they be like coyotes and hunt them all year long
  10. well thanks guy might go try a few holes this weekend depends hwo codl it is and how the girlfriend feels and if she wants to go along i cant wait for warmer weather and this spring and summer night fishing for trout is gonan be a great year i am moving up closer ot were i love fishing
  11. yeah in spring and summer i usually use spinners salmon eggs crawlers minnors or some gulp i was jsut wonderign for either fall or winter fishign for trout
  12. deerkillr777


    what a good way to catch trout in streams and creeks this time of year i got 1 month befor season stops and they start stocking for trout season in march for april trout season i was wonder what the best way ot fish for them nate
  13. never did it but i think u gotta estamate cause u gotta shot up into the seats of the arena
  14. they jsut came out in 07 i love mine and dad loves his they r a great quiver but they r new for 07 like i said i know my bow shop had them in i havent seen them in cabelas or bass pro yet aint to sure bout gander mtn or dicks but like i said there a great quiver nate
  15. i am looking for soem good 3d indoor courses in pa or soem outdoor courses in pa i am in the north central area
  16. pa does any residnet can coem in buy a liscense at any walmart or sporting good store
  17. this year my hu7tning knife is a buck 119 my girlfriend bought it for me for my birthday hope she has soem luck with the knife and i also have a winchester with a gut hook i loved it but like by buck better i carry a gerber skeleton i also carry my leatherman about everyday when i aint in school and i also carry my swiss army hunter during hunting season bought it in germany when i went ot visit my dad came back and 5 days later i used it to gut and cut up my first deer
  18. i got 2 old ones that were givine to me i liek them oen gets hot fast and other i need new bulb for i love spotting it is great to gop otu with a group of buddies and jsut look for deer
  19. that is sad if i woudla foudn the feeder adn that stand i woulda packed it all out stand steps feeder and all of it and told them to call me
  20. hay man good lcuk this seaso nad u will love it here
  21. can u give soem better pics of the whole thing and a distription of it
  22. u got nothign ot lose it was blowing between 15 and 20 here tonigth it was a good night passed up on a doe at 50 yards
  23. singed me and my dad both up thanks for lettign us know