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Everything posted by deerkillr777

  1. idc what the name is aslong as its bout hunting i dont get much tiem ot be one because of owrking and now hunting season starting plus school its gonna be hard so if i dont reply to one just go for it Ps sorry i dont spell to good or do sentences
  2. Rack hunter's Carbon slinger's i like whitetale stalkers
  3. i am 17 turnign 18 in nov. i hunt in central pa northumberland montour columbia union counties mostly uper northumberland or montour every now and then go across the river to union. hunt mostly farm land and some mtns the woods i normally hunt is thick underbrush. this will be my first year archery hunting so we will see hwo it is tomarrow gonna go and try for permision to hunt 14 acers offreshly plants hay feild i mean just plantwed today rain loosk good for end of week and there is a few nice deer backl there. my bow season is sept 29 till nov 10 then late bow dec 26th till jan 12th rifel season is from nov 26th till dec 8th thats nmormally only seasons i hunt just a few things bout me i have only ever killed 2 doe and 1 buck within the 6 years i hunted i am a die hard though out ever chance i get
  4. i lvoe my reflex bighorn i love how it fits me so good and how it shots nice and smooth and kills good but not a deer yet just some pesky little critters
  5. nice find i foudn me a skull and a rakc 2 summers ago he was only a 4 ptn. but the one side were it yed off was busted and chewed. i wouldnt get that tine fixed
  6. well i was up walking around the ground today lots of tracks on the fresh dirt so that good news. found some newer sign i didnt see all summer so that also good.. found me like 3 other trees to climb first day. gotta run up tomarrow night with tractor or 4 wheeler to get the top part of my wooden ladder stand back that the knocked over only part salvageable. the wooden ladder is all busted up took all the ratchet straps off it thismorning. just a update its still looks promising but idk yet. nate
  7. i got other places to hunt i was just gonna hunt this perticualr patch of woods the first day cause it was close to home and my dad would be getting back that afternoon from flordia to hopfully join me but he aint gonna join me no more this patch is dedicated to just me now he even said its all urs now
  8. does anyone got any segestion i still got 2 goosd stand sites about 50 yards from all these downed trees
  9. lastnight went down to my grandparents to do a little bit more scouting up back in the woods. well when i got down there i foudn out idk how much archry hunting is gonna be done downm there. there is a brick plant loacted up on the heill and the owner l;ets me hunt the woods. weel he bulldozed a path of a bulldozer on both side of the powerlines and knocked down major trees including 2 i wanted ot put stands on casue deer were really useing this powerling ot travel. so i also go to find out starting monday they plan on doing some blasting up there for shale witch they always do but never this close to my stands. so as of right now it looks liek my first day set up is gonna be changed. if this woulda happened over the summer i woulda been alright with it onlythign it benifits me is its just more down treecover for deer and small gamne to hide in. but 2 weeks befor season and i gotta run around to fidn more sign other places on the property thank got i got 3 other sections of woods to hunt. so looks like these to weeks were i was gonan make sure i am dead on is gonna be spebnt scouting more and more. this jsut blows my mind and needed to release some steam. later nate
  10. loggy bayou megga transformer i love mine didnt hunt outta it yet but i climed alot of trees for practice and the one i was up in about 20 feet watchign a corn feild over the summer i was there for a good 2 to 3 hours its nice and comfy
  11. i have a pair of rocky all stalkers for colder hunting in 1000 grams, and then a pair of lacross idk the kind for early season and archry season depending on the coldness aroudn here.
  12. yup i got me a good girl her name is amber her famaily loves me so far taken her sister and brother in law out to tractorpulsl this comming weekend her brother inlaw invited me ot hunt with him and she hunts too its kinda good she is a junior and i am a senior only bad thing is its a distance thing 20 25 minutes one way jsut ot her house and she dnt drive yet were all working on her car its kinda had but i love county fairs is were i met her dang great country redneck farmgirl thats all that is going on with me
  13. i got it now mine is deerkillr777 whopever adds me should im me and tell me who u r off of here i aint no youth hunter but i aint 18 yet so there for i am still a youth in my eyes
  14. if the stalk is kinda hollow, berry come in bunches like graps, if so we have them all over the edge of our power lind and some scattered threwout the woods. i was also wonderign what they might be i jsut call them weeds
  15. yeah just got a pair of camo pants from my uncle. he wore them one season dont fit him no more there realtree hard woods. cant beat free camo girlfriend wont complain on that one
  16. My girlfriend and mom think I am nuts...personally, women have no room to talk when it comes to spending money! haha... my gf and my mom definatly says the saem thing but my gf hunts with me so its all good yes women do spend alot of money on stuff they dont need
  17. plant some rasberry bushes along with soem pins might jsut have to keep the pines trimed back after they get so high
  18. i always for get to use sentences. casue i am a big farm boy / redneckin country boy. would u rather it be one long run on or jsut soem pd's thrown in there just at random
  19. was thining the g5's its probally gonan be a christmas gift but a early one
  20. i planted a litt plot about 100ft by 50ft kinda kindny bean shaped with 3 trees at one end there is a old 4 wheeler trail going in one end out the other and a old relly groun up on goign otu the one side but deer use it some there is also a mineral block on the one end the deer love tracks there from last summer about a month after putting it out till now i planted wheat and oats about a week and a half ago and its up about 4 inches all i did was go over nicly with disc breaking about 3 inches of ground up spreading wheat and oats and then did some discing again to work it in then draged with chainlink fence its looking good as long as we dont get to hott and we get some more rain i planted this in a nice steady rain looks good this is in kinda a clearin in the woods i made abotu 4 years ago closes crop feild is like 100 yards away and is corn and creek is another hundred years away oppiste crop feild sorry no pics dig camera aint working good
  21. whats a good small game for squirell, rabits, and ground hogs? might try some small game with my bow
  22. i got a reflex bighorn and i love it like said befor there just all of hoyts last years technology they just went with all new limbs and risers this year so i think they might be machined i dont rember