I own both and believe that the Scent Blocker works a bit better. Deer will smell you no matter what you do if they get down wind of you. If you don't believe that, you have not spent enough time in the woods... JMHO
Play the wind and do everything you can to cover your scent...
I see red X's but Dalton is about 4 miles from my land. I haven't heard of any big ones this year but, the Amish have killed them in the past. I doubt it was with a longbow though, they're probably shooting Matthews...
I bought a new A-bolt this year only because I wanted the BOSS, you can't get that on the X-bolt. I wanted the flatest shooting rifle I could buy without a lot of recoil. I have a 270 WSM that kicks about like a .243. I think I'll be hanging on to this badboy for a while...