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Everything posted by Randy

  1. Randy

    RT Rumor at work....LOL

    I guess it really doesn't matter at this point...
  2. Today started out a bit rough, we saw one deer before legal shooting hours and the rest of the morning was unproductive. We went to a little "Greasy Spoon" for breakfast and went on a little tour of Amish country. Charlie saw his first Amish impression of Larry Weishuhn! After our ride we headed back out to the stand. Charlie was happy to have killed one doe but, I had a little blood in my eye and really wanted him to kill something. Shortly after 4 pm the action heated up! It was just a matter of seconds after the first one and another one stepped out. Charlie whacked her as well! Both doe were in the 120# range and bigger than any doe he's shot in South Texas. We're still working on that buck but, we're not giving up!
  3. Very sad news indeed. I'm so sorry to hear of you lose Jeff. Prayers sent for you and your family. Steve, please add me to the card.
  4. I'm not really sure what it means but, I had a really cool dream last night. The dream had a BBD in it so we'll just have to wait and see! On a side note, we had Brats and beans for supper last night and it may be a rough day in close quarters... :o:o:D
  5. Nobody out hunting today so the deer movement was pretty slow. I think we saw 9 doe again today, no bucks. My buddy saw a pretty nice 10 pointer this morning across the road from where Charlie and I are hunting. I think it may be time for a change of scenery! We'll see what the morning brings and maybe whack another doe in the morning. Tomorrow night we will probably change stands for the night hunt. I try to look at it as, it can only get better!
  6. Well, we got about an inch of wet snow last night. Maybe that'll change our luck today. Charlie said he's going to make snow angels and a snowman! As far as I'm concerned, he can take the snow home with him! :rolleyes:
  7. Just one question Steve, why did you have a pic of a bow on the dress when you have a really great knife? This knife ought to make the hunting a bit easier than the old one. I expected to see your bow in the classifieds!
  8. Ever heard the saying, never pass up a buck the first day that you'd gladly take the last day? :rolleyes: Pretty rough day today, we saw nine doe, and no bucks. I'm not really sure what's going on, there doesn't seem to be much shooting anywhere near us. Hopefully tomorrow things pick up and the bucks move a little. I have however, really enjoyed Charlies company. He's a bundle of knowledge and a great guy to have a conversation with. Oh, and his "Texas Buck Sticks" (hotsticks) are awesome!
  9. I'm glad to here your butt feels better! Wait a minute,......that's just wrong!!!
  10. We had a great day in the stand today. The season opened at 6:29 this morning and at 6:40, Charlie whacked a nice doe that got chased to us by a pretty nice 8 pointer. He made a great 382 yard shot right in the neck! ( maybe it was 82 yards )The buck ran off and came back about 2 hours later and checked her out. Here it is: We also saw this little group of bucks: All together we saw 7 bucks, Two 2 1/2 8 pointers, one 2 1/2 year old 10 pointer, one spike, one three pointer, one little half racker and one, that we really need to get a better look at tomorrow! I think we saw about 10 doe. We had a great day and we're both looking forward to tomorrow. Stay tuned!
  11. Well, we went and sat in the tower last night. We didn't see a whole lot, one doe and two bucks. One of the bucks was a small one, the other may need a bit closer inspection this morning. We got home and had a good old fashioned "fish fry", got our packs ready. (i.e. filled them with candy bars, peanuts, pistachios, and a couple venny sausage sandwiches. ) and talked for a while before hitting the rack around 10:30. The weather is cool but I think we'll hit 36 degrees today. Looks like I'll be able to turn the heater down a little. Have you ever woken up in the morning and thought to yourself,........Somethings going to die today??
  12. I always figured I had a better chance of surviving a car crash than a plane crash! Yeah, I'm scared! We made it back from the airport and we're heading out for a quick burger and sit in the tower til dark. The hunt starts in the morning!
  13. I'm heading out in about 45 minutes to go pick doubleA up from the airport. I've actually never been to an airport before, I hope I can find him before he turns in to a Popsicle!
  14. Randy

    How much coffee

    There is only one kind of coffee, Folgers classic roast!
  15. My wife is pretty conservative, it may be because I spend it all on more hunting crap that I REALLY need...
  16. Now thats a looking buck! Congrats!
  17. Should only be about a 60 degree temperature change from yesterday... You can stay here, I'll go to texas for the winter! Ahh,........Windchills are 4 degrees right now...
  18. LMAO! I'm with you on that one!
  19. Welcome to the forums and, Congrats on a nice buck!
  20. WTG Jeramie! Hopefully that big 10 will show himself again on Saturday.