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Everything posted by mike13candace

  1. Thx. I have many more pictures. Let's hope I see him
  2. Hope this guy hangs around a few more weeks
  3. Haha.. Maybe it's the snow camo. Fresh Snow on the ground around here.
  4. You all cant see my pic? I'll post again.
  5. Hoyt "Spyder" Snow camo with red accent kit.
  6. Proposed law in Ma. Would require all gun owners to have liability insurance. This would protect the owner of the gun and the person injured. You will have to show coverage when purchasing a weapon. How will this stop anyone from wanting to break into a home and steal a gun and hurt someone. Really...where is the common sense?
  7. Tim, Any shows in the New England area this year.
  8. Ordered the new Hoyt "Spyder" 30 on Friday. Shot a few arrows and loved it.
  9. Thanks Tim. Same to you and your family.
  10. I have passed on many. First day, bigger bucks in area, exc.. Regretted it a few times. No easy decision. New to this sport you get better with the shot placement only with taking a shot. If you want to let him pass. Pick up your bow as if you were going to shoot. Helps with all the steps of making a good shot.
  11. Awesome deer. Congrats! Great job on finding a way to get a shot on him.
  12. This was the first deer to walk in at 6:38. Shot him at 20 yards. At 6:55 a nice 10 point came within 45 yards. Tried to call him in closer. No chance. Another 7 point walked by at 7:08. Crazy year so far. I sat in stand for over 65 hours and only seeing three doe. Frustrating after having some nice bucks on camera.
  13. They were on the move Saturday.
  14. mike13candace


    Many prayers on way.