Thanks everyone. Stands are out. I am ready for archery season to start October 15th. Cameras were put out in August. I have great pictures of some nice bucks. See the photography forum.
i know it is hard right now. Keep the faith. I lost a brother inlaw to a auto accident.
He was the one who set me up with a land owner to hunt his property. To this day when i bag a whitetail i thank him out loud and bow my head for a moment of prayer.
One of the greatest events of being in the woods is the things we see. Most of the time no one is with us to share the moment. Cameras capture pictures but the experience is priceless.
Just boil the head in water . Most of the meat, skin & fat will fall off. You have to pull it out and carve some of the larger pieces. I pulled mine from the water three times. Plan the three hour window accourdingly from start to finish.