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Everything posted by mike13candace

  1. Could not believe a tornado hit my area on Wednesday. I missed the path by one half mile. My family is ok. Still thousands of people without power. Many lives changed from this. 2011 is one of the most active weather patterns across the United States. Cant wait for all of this to calm down.
  2. Shoot every day I can on my lunch break. Target, bow and equipment in truck. Aprox. 16-20 arrows. This keeps me tuned until fall.
  3. Let us know how they shoot. Interested in a switch to Easton.
  4. You want lubrication early when the engine is cold. Stick to the recomended weight.
  5. Looks like a nice Bow. I bet you are happy Good luck with the new toy.
  6. That is a nice Trout. Congrats!
  7. Like the pictures. Good job with the setup.
  8. Bought 2005 King Range two years ago. Like it a lot.ooked up history and noticed someone paid $45K 3-1/2 years before. Amazing!
  9. Looks nice. Enjoy the new truck smell..
  10. Good luck with the new truck. The new Chevy looks great. Congrats!
  11. 5-8 inches expected today. Are you kidding me. I should not have put the snowblower away.
  12. That is why I puchased a 4-year old truck. Could not justify the payment, insurance and in this state we has an excise tax every year. Make sure you do a carfax on it while you are with the sales person.
  13. I hope this years winter didn't hurt our Turkey population. We had over three feet on the ground at one point. Then ice over the top. Snow still covering the shaded areas and north facing slopes. Going scouting this weekend. Hope all is good with all of you. Good luck this year!
  14. Most of his music has meaning.
  15. Have not seen any around my house. It has been a tough winter. Our season starts April 25th. Lots of snow still on the ground. Cant wait! Good luck Tim
  16. Ross, sorry to here. Good luck with the doctors appointment.
  17. Have fun Tim, Building quite the name for yourself. Good luck!
  18. Interesting.. If there is a genetic issue you helped them out.
  19. Hang in there. It will be worth the wait. Good job in the future for you. The man is not angry...
  20. Prayers from our family to yours.