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Everything posted by fly

  1. Posted this earlier announcing my new "Man Room" Notice the fan on the wall. I know nothing about taxidermy and I did that by following the instructions from a 30-40 dollar kit from Cabelas. Came with the wood plaque. Very easy to do! I'm not knocking the taxidermists here but this is a do it yourselfer. Borax was what I rubbed the skin with. It never has smelled after 2-3 years now. I like it just as much as my first one that I had a taxidermist do for me for tripple the cost.
  2. fly

    Redneck Santa Pic

    I've never seen Steve in person, but from reading his posts I'd say the guy playing santa is much much younger! Great photo!
  3. No paintball for me. I do all the "stuff" I put off during the season. Last year I planned and did a spring bear hunt in Idaho. This year it's not going to happen so I'm working overload. One new thing: I'm holding the first annual "Off Season Depression Dinner" in late Feb. when the depression really hits home. Me my dad, cousin, and a few friends who hunt will be headed to my dad's place in the country for an evening of story sharing, deer chili and sausage, a blackpowder shooting contest, and showing off our deer mounts. Hope it's as fun as I anticipate.
  4. Overall I'd give the season a C- for deer hunting. I was fortunate enough to connect on a monster (or near monster depending on one's standards) public ground 8-point during the IL gun season and a couple does during archery. Overall not that great considering the amount of time I put in and reputation of the areas I hunt. During the entire archery season I didn't see one shooter buck. Generally I will at least see a couple. The number of does I have opportunities for and pass on was a lot lower this year as well. I'm keeping a journal this year, I'll post my stats once I have time to tally the results. I think I'm at 34 hunts so far for the season. I've got 1 bow hunt left and a one day antlerless only trip with my ML.
  5. Haven't seen much all season and now it's worse! Spent all day yesterday (only got one-two hunts left before the season is over) and saw one coyote, one possum, and one deer. I didn't see the deer until after dark (about 10 minutes after). All I could see was the dark outline walking out of the thicket into the field. My advice would be to stand hunt fields or food plots one hour before sunset. Stand hunt near a thicket one hour after sunrise. During the hours in the middle walk and try to jump one and get a shot if it stops to look back. Good luck!
  6. Shot this bruiser on Jan. 17th 2008 in IL. Sure was glad he hadn't dropped his headgear. Most bucks in Il. start losing their antlers in late January and early February. From what I've read shedding can vary from state to state and that deer with more points keep their headgear a little longer than deer with small racks.
  7. I don't have a major opposition with the reccommendations. I do agree with MUDRUNNER that extending the late season to 9 days worries me if the days occur after mid-January. I'd like to see it extended to 9 days, but keep the days prior to mid-January. I too think there are less deer in IL. which is why the numbers were down. I'd say the weather was the best we've had in years! No rain and cool temps. The rut (from what I hear, because I didn't notice it) occured late which would have been ideal for the first gun season. Extending season dates is a quick and easy way to meet harvest number goals. The best way would be to increase access! With the exception of Southern IL. (Shawnee Forest) public land deer hunting is pathetic! I wish they would have suggested moving up the archery season from Oct. 1st to mid-September!
  8. I've never taken a coyote, but given the chance I would. No one hunts them much and they can reduce turkey populations quickly. I gave one a hair cut at 30 yards while archery deer hunting yesterday. After the shot I started to think about what I would do with one if I got one. I heard about rugs and mounts, but is there any other use you all have with a dead coyote? I might do a rug for my first one, but then what? If you have any pictures of rugs or mounts I'd like to see them.
  9. You started something here CB. My passion for hunting big game (mostly deer) is still with me at (nearly 38). I'd be just fine keeping it until the good Lord decides my days on this earth have come to an end. I've spoken to my father about this. He had the passion when he was younger, but each year I see less and less of it. He said an ailing body takes some of the fun out it. He said there was more, but I'd have to wait until I'm older to understand. (Been hearing that one from him my whole life). Perhaps you need to mix it up some and try something new? If bringing kids into the sport isn't an option for ya then perhaps a traditional black powder hunt, or handgun? Maybe a Red Stag hunt in New Zealand? Let me ask ya CB... what is about the interior Griz hunt that makes you want it more than something you used to be passionate about? With a modest income and three small kids it's hard for me to take out of state big game hunting trips. When I do I'm cutting every coupon I can find. DIY out of state big game hunting can still be a reality for the man without a huge bank account if he's willing to "shop around". I did an 8 day Idaho black bear hunt with a buddy last spring that cost me a little over 1 thousand dollars (over half was for gas at 4.00/gallon). If gas prices stay down I could do one for about $500.00 this year. (Best part: no draw!)
  10. Sounds like a great time. Congratulations on your hog!
  11. Way to bring in the New Year with a BANG Casey!
  12. Depends on the time of year for me. Fall: Bowhunting and Deer Hunting. Spring: Turkey hunting and Fishing. I also catch the Lounge and Pro-Staff Room once in a while.
  13. The Shawnee National Forest. Lot of hunters during the gun season, but if you're willing to hike back a mile or two you can find some very nice bucks.
  14. William, I checked with the rules committee for this thread and it has been decided to extend the posting to your favorite photo (contest or not in the contest).
  15. Pope & Young charges a 35.00 (recently went up from 25.00) recording fee. One does not have to be a member of the club to enter an animal. Once entered the animal always stays listed. I'm pretty sure B&C is about the same. However, they have an Awards book and a All-Time book. The Awards book is published every 3 years. The All-Time every 6 years. Animals can make the Awards book with a lower score than the All-Time book. For example: Typical Whitetail minimum score for Awards is 160 and for All-Time 170. From B&C: "The All-time minimum score is the higher of the two minimum scores, and qualifies a trophy for the All-time book, Records of North American Big Game. Trophies that qualify for the All-time minimum are listed in each new edition of the All-time book. Trophies that qualify for the Awards minimum, but not the All-time minimum, will appear in the Awards book, published every three years, one time only. All trophy owners who have a trophy that scores at or above the Awards or All-time Awards minimum will receive a wall certificate, have their trophy listed in one issue of Fair Chase magazine and corresponding records book publications." So my 162 inch deer will make the next Awards book and that's it. The Awards book published after the one my deer will be in will not have my deer listed. In addition it will not make the All-Time book because it wasn't 170 inches. All animals making the All-Time book stay in the book each time it is published (every 7 years).
  16. fly


    Intentional = intentional robinhood. Unintentional = unintentional robinhood. Both are robinhoods regardless of the adjective. It counts swampy.
  17. "What does it really matter anyways? To have your name in a book so that other people see it? Wheres the trophy in that?...I just dont see it as an accomplishment to strive for." Gary, A lot of people feel the way you do and the P&Y / B&C club may not be for them. My 07 buck made it into B&C (just barely) and I'm planning to enter it. Why? I think the certificate will look nice in my office next to the mount. It's a conversation piece and something for my relatives to see every time they come over. For years the had their comments about the small deer I have harvested. Now all I'll have to do is point and that will quite them down quickly. Would I enter the deer if my name did not go into the record book? Certainly.
  18. This has been the first year I have entered the deer contest and I'm telling ya there are some great pictures of some fantastic deer. Post your favorite picture and explain why you like it. Chrud you got my vote. Love those dark horns and head next to the snow. Buckee you'd get honorable mention because every time I see your photo and read your comment on blowing the field photos I can't stop laughing.
  19. Cabela's has the new Omega with the thumb hole on sale for: $469.99 (starter kit included, no scope). $350.00 is the most I'd expect to get. A used gun is used whether one shot or 100 have been fired through it. Once a bullet leaves the barrel it takes 100 bucks with it. You may want to keep it. You may find a use for it later. Great ML ya got there.
  20. Found another picture showing the drop tine
  21. Looks to me like it might be a Wal-Mart buck. That is if the photoshop package that created it was purchased there.
  22. fly


    I regularly hunt Union and Greene counties, but have hunted many other places in Southern Illinois.
  23. I like what Doc had to say. One small thing I do to support hunting is to present myself as a calm animal loving person who loves and lives to hunt. I take every opportunity to educate people around me who don't "get" hunting as to why I am so passionate about it. Some still don't "get" it, but some do. Someone the other day who knows how passionate I am about hunting made the assumption I didn't like dogs because I hunted and killed deer. I'm not sure of this, but I imagine the percentage of hunters combined with antihunters is less than half of the population which means a lot of people out there probably don't put a lot of thought into the subject. I think it's important for hunters to know the arguments the anti's are pushing so we are better equiped to refute them. Also to present ourselves as decent citizens gaining respect and credibility. Let those PETA extremists and other anti's throw red paint on celebrities. It makes them look like idiots and they get arrested.
  24. Great late season buck ya got there! Congratulations