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Everything posted by fly

  1. I'll be there Kirk. This will be my first time going. I'll be entering a couple of my mounts. Plan on getting there Sunday around 9am and staying until the judging is over.
  2. Did you read the full text included in this bill? In order to sell a handgun one would need to get a license. The details one must meet to apply are very detailed making following this proposed law difficult at best. Catching someone on a technicality would be easy. When that happens the State Police, municipality, or county will then be able to revoke that license for 15 years or more. The language also states the Department "may" issue a license for individuals that meet all the specifications, it does not say they "will" issue a license. In addition: The applicant must submit to the Department (State Police) a license fee of $300.00 payable at the time of application, and an additional $300.00 payable every 3 years thereafter. So lets empower the local government in IL to screw us over (a government that is proven to be as corrupt as *@#$) and then pay them for the screwing.
  3. This is a bit late I know, but congratulations! Gonna cost us 30 for a deer next season.
  4. For all my conservative friends out there... Currently the IL Cook "Crook" county Democrats are at it again. Now they are planning to impose more anti-gun legislation that will make it more difficult for IL residents to purchase firearms. Seems they will not be happy till the 2nd Amendment is abolished. Read up on the bill at: If you are in opposition to this bill as I am contact your representative and let him/her know. You can find out who your representative is by searching this site: My letter to Jerry Costello (District 12): Hello Congressman Costello, I wanted to inform you that I am in opposition of the following anti-gun legislation (HB 0180 and HB 5734). Illinois is already one of the top states in the country imposing restrictive gun laws. I encourage you to oppose these bills and uphold the 2nd Amendment of our Constitution.
  5. Nice Leo, learning an instrument is work, but worth it.
  6. Kat, we have a Roma's italian restaurant right down the street from us. It's what our small town is known for. My wife really liked the pie, said it was the best she's ever had. I'll never know for sure, but it sure made my day.:serenade:
  7. I asked my wife what type of dessert she would like me to make her. She said a coconut cream pie. So I made my first pie ever today with no help. We'll see how she likes it after dinner.
  8. Randy and his sister treated my family and I to Longhorn this past fall after one of his shooting exhibitions. Nothing but good things can I say about him and his family. Best of luck to you my friend!
  9. Ken the winters in IL depend on what part of IL you live in. The winters are very mild in the lower 1/4 portion of the state. Similar to Kentucky/Tennessee. Once you get to Springfield winter is no longer mild. Chicago can be down right cold. IL is a helmet free state.
  10. Kentucky sounds like a place to consider Ken. Conservative views for the most part. Pretty decent big game hunting (elk and deer hunting is getting better). Lexington has UK which will provide the cultural experiences your kids, wife, and yes even you need. I had a friend that lived in Lexington and I visited him there a few times. I was surprised at how clean and friendly the area was. It's not that far from Cinci or Louisville. Good luck.
  11. fly

    Il state schools

    Since fall I've been hearing that IL higher ed schools are having serious cash flow problems due to the state failing to give them tax payer money. You all know the borrow from the DNR or education pot of money to pay other bills game right? Well it's now looking like some state universities will most likely be cancelling some of the less productive programs/courses this fall. Some will likely be letting faculty go as well as many other school workers. Word is that the situation will get worse for 2 more years before it gets better. Travel reimbursement is already being reduced and conference reimbursement has been cut. This is sad when our annual merit review expects continuing education via conferences that will cost us thousands of out of pocket dollars. Even a potential 3% raise would not cover the cost of these conferences. Any other states having these problems?
  12. Started my daughter out shooting a ML last summer. She shot 250 grain shockwaves with 70 grains of powder. I limited her shot to 60 yards, because that was as far as we practiced. There really wasn't much recoil at all. The sound was the biggest problem she had to overcome. I did buy some ear muffs for her. I also bought a tripod since the ML was too heavy for her to hold. When on the tripod I found the longer stock wasn't that big a deal and she shot fine. Unfortunately we didn't see a deer during the October youth season. Just so you know, I researched this same thing last year and found that back in the day settlers used to take down buffallo with 50 grains of powder as they crossed the plains via train.
  13. Looks good and thanks for the new vocabulary! Texas mount has just taken the front seat.
  14. fly

    Racing time again

    Well we got third place this year. Our car ran a bit slower than last year, but my focus was making a block of wood look like a blue blob of goo and having my 7 year old help out more. My kids had a lot of fun and I'm so glad to so him being a good sport. A couple kids were not to happy and you could see it in their actions. Next year I'll have to make one with my daughter. She felt the worst since she was left out of the whole thing. They had a sibling race this year just for fun, wish I had known about it earlier. We'll get em next year!
  15. fly

    Racing time again

    Wish us luck! At 1pm today we'll be headed out to the annual Pine Wood Derby. Last year was our first and we took 2nd place with my sons eagle car. This year he wanted to make Bob from Monsters vs. Aliens. I came up with a basic design and it turned out ok, but making a glob of goo from wood isn't that easy. Anyway I'll post pics and give an update on the race later.
  16. fly


    Photochop. Too much black between right hand and antler.
  17. Randy, Pat Reeves and Nicole James. Guess that's it.
  18. Yea I have the skyscape products on my old Palm. Drug database, medical dictionary, and a few others. I didn't have to pay for it since it was included in a research study that had grant money tied to it. I haven't updated it for a couple years now. Sure drugs change, but it serves my need for now. There was a motion in our school that would REQUIRE students to purchase such a device and associated applications. I'm currently writing a policy that will put that motion to rest. The biggest problem is that currently most devices include phones and/or cameras. Having phones and cameras in the clinical setting is just asking for problems. "Oh hold on Mr. Smith, I'll get your pain medication right after I answer this text message.":rolleyes: You wouldn't think it would happen, but it has. Taking photos of patients has also created problems.
  19. I thought one had to meet them and have them take you hunting. At least that's the way it was for me. I'm getting tired of Bill's number always coming up on my caller ID.
  20. Heard one at dark but never saw it. Doesn't look like we're in the running so I'll just leave my 5 point button buck from opening day up. It's been fun! Happy hunting to all.
  21. Last night tonight. Baby sitter will be here soon. Got a 171 incher on Jan. 17th 2008. Don't expect that, but I'd sure like to end the season on a good note. Will put the spike up if necessary.
  22. Sorry to hear about your loss William.
  23. fly

    Losing his load

    Pretty funny Steve.
  24. fly

    Semper fi!

    Funny, with a hint of sadness.