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Everything posted by fly

  1. Yep Ruth, Field and Stream. The article said friends don't let friends shoot 4's (or something like that). LOL Think I'll stick with 4's.
  2. Alright, all my hunting magazines say number 6's are the best and to avoid 4's. I've killed my last three birds with 4's. Last Friday I nailed a jake at 50 yards and rolled him. I know the pattern is not as good, but I like to shoot out to 50 yards and I wouldn't feel 6's would have enough energy for an ethical shot at 50 yards? 3 inch shells with standard turkey load.
  3. Don't use full strut in my area. I'm not picky, any turkey will do in our short IL seasons. So a jake is fine with me. A full strut tom decoy will keep less dominant birds away (at least that is what I see in my area). A friend of mine had one this season and a gobbler (not a jake) walked to within 60 yards, saw the strutting decoy, turned and left.
  4. Hunts like that make great stories. Great bird you got there.
  5. fly


    Glad to see your hard work paid off!
  6. Glad to see you came out on top!
  7. Probably had more hens and gobblers around me than on any other hunt. It was an emotional roller coaster alright. Going from thinking I'd have my pick to thinking the whole thing was shot. I was just glad to get something.
  8. I don't know of any deer hunting outfitters in Canada. I have bear hunted there with an outfitter once and had a terrible time. Some things you really should do before deciding. 1. Call people that have hunted there before. Ask the outfitter for references from last year. Be sure to ask about things you can do while he is out hunting (unless you plan to go along). In Canada outfitters will often have hunters hunt LONG hours. Not just a couple hours in the morning and evening. 2. Get an idea of the weather conditions for the time of year you go and take the right gear. 3. Pat yourself on the back. You sound like a great wife.
  9. You the man! Congratulations on a fine season so far.
  10. Nice work Dale, congratulations to you and Brian. Lot of green down there.
  11. Congratulations! Great looking turkeys there.
  12. Thought about doing that for years now. Cool set up you got there.
  13. Story and pictures:
  14. Here in IL we only get 5 day seasons for turkey. I have one tag for 1st season and one for 3rd season. It was tough hunting 1st season, but the wildflowers sure were beautiful. The birds would gobble on the roost, but once they hit the ground lock jaw set in. A bit early I guess. Anyway Friday was the last day of the first season. I walked my usual 2 miles on public ground to get to my hot spot. As I walked along a ridge top in the dark roosted hens were clucking every time I took a step. They were only 30-40 yards from me and I could see them. I figured gobblers were close. I stopped and just waited for that magic time when the sun starts to break day and the gobblers let loose. Sure enough I heard one down the hill from me. I set up down the hill some placing me between the hens and the gobbler. Then all heck broke loose. There must have been 6-8 different gobblers in all directions of me gobbling like crazy. At first light 2 does walked up the hill and the woods got quiet as the smelled me and snorted the alarm. After 10 minutes the still roosted gobblers started up again. Then enter a coyote. I thought about it, but let him go knowing the sound of my gun would end my chances of getting a bird. He finally left and I heard some birds flying down. Then the gobbling stopped. I thought the game was over thanks to coyote ugly, but then I heard 2 gobbling about 200 yards down the ridge from me. I got aggressive with my calling. They gobbled again this time 150 yards away. I knew they were coming. I got ready. Sure enough on the trail I had walked in on here comes 2 jakes with 4-5 hens in tow. They got about 70 yards and the hens started clucking and carrying on. They went down the wrong side of the hill away from me. The jakes followed. I got aggressive again with my calling making the same noises the hens had made. Then I heard another gobble and knew they were still interested. I called again and got ready (hiding behind a tree on my belly). Five minutes later here they come. The first one waled to within 50 yards and went down the hill and I lost him due to the landscape. I thought dang I should have shot when I had the chance at 50 yards. Then the second jake started walking the same path as the first. When he got to the same spot at 50 yards BANG! He rolled and although he was likely done, he got another for good measure.When it is the last day, a jake is a welcome site.
  15. Eastern (jake) - 4/9/2010Beard - 4 inchesSpurs 1/4 inch eachTeam - Gobbler Assassins (#9)
  16. SCORE! This morning. Story and pics later. Jake - 16.5 lbs.
  17. fly


    Looking great Chris! Nice looking date you got there too.
  18. fly

    Officially Back

    Welcome back! Makes me very happy knowing you're around Chris!
  19. Hi Alan, don't you just love seeing that gobbler for the first time after hearing him gobble! Nothing gets the heart pumping more except maybe wathcing a 10 point+ buck step into bow range.
  20. This is very funny!
  21. May have been April 1st, don't really remember for certain but it was around that time. My senior year of highschool I went to my then girlfriends moms house to do some tree trimming. She was divorced and extra concerned with me using a chainsaw. Well I really had no choice with her going on and on about being safe now did I? Told her daughter to sneak me a bottle of ketchup. while her mom was trimming bushes I was behind a bush and splattered the ketchup all over my arm. Then I pretended to have difficulty starting the chainsaw. She asked if everything was ok from accross the yard. I said oh yea, just need to adjust the blade (or something to that effect). Then I started it and gunned the gas! I screamed AHHHHHH!!!!! and started rolling on the ground holding my arm. She about fell off the step stool running to my aid. Once she arrived my screams turned into laughter and the daughter came out to join in the fun. She was mad at first, but took it like a good sport after an hour or so. One of my best pranks.