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Everything posted by fly

  1. fly

    your claim to fame

    Lunch with Randy O. at Longhorn last fall. Like Ruth, that's about all I got.
  2. Generally every 4-5 thousand miles. Depending on finances and time I'll go to 6K on occasion, but not often.
  3. He's having a little trouble finding the lounge. I'll try sending him some directions.
  4. John is a 15 year old hunter that I met while deer hunting a couple years ago. He's a real nice kid and a good deer hunter as well. I encouraged him to join the forums so please send him a warm welcome!
  5. Here's an interesting fact: Physicians have the highest rate of suicide compared to any other line of work. Men have much higher rates than women unless the women is a physician, then the rates are the same. XT Man, don't let this throw you over the edge. (If passed) I sure hope this does not contribute to that statistic.
  6. fly

    Facebook question

    Thanks for the tips. Gary I sent you a pm.
  7. fly

    Facebook question

    Alright I'm on Facebook now and recently started using it more. I've thought about adding some RT members as friends but I'm not sure how to go about doing so? I don't want to offend anyone by refusing, but then again I don't want to add someone that will inform the FB police of my conservative ways and have a post deleted. Any advice from those that have experience with this?
  8. Seems like every time I turn around some sort of %&*# is being proposed to take away the gun rights of IL citizens. I'm sick and tired of writing letters that most likely are falling on deaf Democratic ears. I've wrote several letters to Costello and I've never heard back from him once. When I lived in other districts and wrote letters I would hear back from them. Guess who's not getting my vote next election.
  9. Yup, starting to some turkeys out strutting already. Can't wait!
  10. fly

    Movie review

    The wife worked last night so the youngens and I watched Old Dogs and Bedtime Stories with Adam Sandler. Both were good, but Bedtime Stories was better. We had popcorn, candy, soda, chips and dip. Yea it was pretty cool kicking back in my easy chair with the message feature turned on with my 7 and 8 year old on each side of me. I know my Friday nights of doing that are numbered but I'm loving it right now.
  11. Still waiting for my kids to take his/her first so we'll see. No tears after a recovery, but have a few times while on stand praying about this thing we call life. Emotions during a recovery vary for me. Sometimes it hits me as relief when I don't see it fall, other times the "dang straight, that's what I'm talking about" emotion, and other times just a melancholy joy.
  12. Prayer from down state headed north Dan.
  13. Something primitive. A drive established long ago (primarily in men and perhaps some women). The thrill of the chase, the rush of adrenaline just prior to the kill and the satisfaction of meeting the challenge with the final blow. Followed by the feast and well deserved nap.
  14. I'm an Assistant Professor at a Sate University. I've been teaching at a School of Nursing for 10 years now. I also teach some classes for the School of Business.
  15. fly

    Turbo Tax

    Chris, did you purchase the new TT software or did you run it through a previous years? Being new to TT I was under the impression one had to purchase the updated software each year?
  16. fly

    Turbo Tax

    The Deluxe version (for 65.00) Included one federal return, one state, and an e-file for federal. The MO return cost an additional 42.00 and to e-file both states (IL and MO) another 42.00. Total = 149.00 Didn't realize it would be this expensive until I was already into it too far.
  17. fly

    Turbo Tax

    Any one use this? What are your thoughts? I used it for the first time this year. Generally have a tax guy do it for 125.00. Turbo Tax cost me 149.99 after all was said and done. The main reason I used it was to save a little money! They real you in with an advertised low cost (59.99). Then I had to purchase an additional state return since my wife works in MO. Then to e-file to 2 states more charges. In addition TT rounds automatically which led to a rejected IL state return. After several hours of figuring out the problem I had to lower our income by 2 dollars to make up for the rounding problem. Probably will not use it next year, but at least we got a nice return and I have the satisfaction of completing a somewhat complicated return independently.
  18. Beat me to it Chris (only I would have said fly rod instead of Shimano). Comforting knowing my fellow sportsmen are keeping a close eye on our government. I would never trust any politician. However, this seemed so crazy I thought I'd look into it a bit. Fow news tends to be more conservative than other news sources so I thought I'd see what they had to say about it. Seems there is a lot that remains "unclear" regarding this issue. Right wing activists are really helping the current administration "clarify" their policies. Hopefully this pressure will keep a potentially damaging piece of legislation from being slipped in.
  19. I'm taking a buddy of mine with me this year. He's a member here but doesn't post much. This will be his first spring turkey hunt.
  20. A free and very nice topo site:
  21. Hello Team. Glad to see I'm going to be on the winning team this year! For the first time I have 2 tags for IL. That = 10 days to rock the forest floor as a 20 lb. thunder chicken drops to the ground. Just got my second turkey tag in the mail today. I'll be hunting Union county.
  22. He came from Greene county. I shot a 10 pointer the season prior that grossed 161 inches not more than 50 yards from where I shot this one. Unfortunately the farm is being leased by an outfitter this coming season so I'm out. Guess that's the way it goes.
  23. Went today with my son, brother, and dad. Had a great time. Not as big as I expected. Nearly 500 deer heads were up for display while 350 were entered into the contest. My last day archery buck of the 2007 season took first in it's category (162 net). Byron Furgeson was there, what a neat guy.
  24. I sure hope you are right! One more reason to look forward to November!