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Everything posted by fly

  1. fly


    Optics can get out of control price wise. I have some Bushnell Trophy's that were about 150 bucks on sale. They are the 10X42 which is a great power for my needs. The binoculars perform great in low light conditions. The only draw back is the weight. They weigh 28 oz. which means I'm reluctant to take them on some hunts. I love them for all day gun hunts, but for those 2 hour evening bow hunts I wish I had something half as heavy.
  2. That's a great first deer LilStrut! Glad to hear the positive comments regarding steelforce, thanks everyone. I ordered some of the 100 grain phatheads tonight and went to my pro-shop and had the poundage upped to 70 pounds. My speed was clocked at 270 fps. Hopefully I'll get a chance to try the new combo out on a deer before the season ends on the 17th.
  3. Those heavy boys are a bit on the expensive side Scott. I was thinking about the phatheads. Reasonable price.
  4. Harvesting a deer on Christmas day IN THE SNOW! Does it get any better than that? Congratulations Dan.
  5. I've never hung a deer with the hide off. Always hide on and generally legs up. I've read that if one wants to age the meat for a week or longer then the meat can be aged in a walk-in cooler hide off.
  6. Anyone use these? I'm thinking about trying out the 100 or 125 grain Phat heads.
  7. fly

    Pro Staff!!!

    Congratulations! Good luck with Bowtech.
  8. I got a great spot that I saw about a dozen turkeys this deer season. A yote was chasing one of them, thanks to me it got away! They are always in this particular valley year in and year out.
  9. Went out looking again Saturday before the snow hit. I spent another 4 hours looking (alone) and covered a lot more ground. Came up with a blank. I'll bet that buck lived. Hopefully I'll run into him again before Jan. 17th.
  10. I'll be out, but not likely to use a firearm. I've got enough meat for the winter, so I'd really just like to take something with antlers. I've still got my either sex archery permit.
  11. fly

    my december pic

    Hi Drew, Very nice picture, but in my opinion it looks too staged. I'm not sure what you're going for with the calander (maybe staged isn't an issue), but why not just throw in a nice big shed instead of a whitened euro mount? Also the shed would make a better picture for February or March as Dan mentioned since that's the time a lot of deer shed.
  12. Bought a Remington Jacket that I had my eye on in the early season on sale from 59.99 down to 30.00. Picked one up yesterday. It's a great ealy season jacket that will repel burrs. It's quiet and very comfortable. I spent too many hours picking burrs out of my clothes this season!
  13. fly

    names for months

    Neat idea, many ways to go here. Need to figure out a theme/pattern first. For example: Do you want it just about a few animals such as deer and turkey or do you want other North American animals. Just big game, or small game as well. Come up with a list of animals and then attatch to months. Sorta makes sense to have a whitetail buck in November chasing a doe. Then again if you want to pattern the calander with something related to the month a turkey would work (Thanksgiving). A few ideas if you go with something related to the month: October - A big narly buck with half his velvet off: titled "Be afraid, very afraid" November - turkey in full strut walking in the hardwoods: titled "Look who's coming to diner" December - squirell eating a walnut: titled "The Nutcracker". January - black bear peeking his head out of a snow covered den: titled "Do Not Disturb"
  14. fly


    I use the bar on the right part of the screen to move mine up and down. The one at the bottom moves it left and right.
  15. Kyle, glad to see you didn't lower yourself to getting into a cussing match with this woman in front of your family. Who knows what her problem was that day? Regardless one would think people could lay off all the hostility this time of year.
  16. Congratulations on your first deer Jake! It might be a duck but I'm glad it didn't when you shot.
  17. I know some scoring systems are different than B&C / P&Y. Perhaps a different system was used that scores higher? Looks like about 170 B&C to me.
  18. Nice doe! Glad it worked out for you. Congratulations on your first with a ML. I got my first last week.
  19. So other than upping the poundage on my bow (60 right now) what will decrease the risk of getting stuck in the shoulder blade? Do you all think a deer can live with 4.5 inches of broadhead and arrow in it?