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Everything posted by hammerforged

  1. You guys be safe and have a good time for me while you are at it.
  2. You got it Norm, prayers on the way.
  3. I feel for you, lost my job of 26 years through a buyout back in 2004, then lost my next job in 2008. Nothing much out there for a Marine with no marketable skills and 53 years old.
  4. We've got more ice coming in here, nothing like what you have been dealing with but bad enough. Everyone be safe out there.
  5. Be safe Tim, prayers for everyone traveling in this mess.
  6. Sounds like a great time, everyone travel safe.
  7. You got it, prayers on the way from South Carolina.
  8. Dang, wish they had something like that in my neck of the woods.
  9. hammerforged


    Good to see you back and CONGRATULATIONS!
  10. Those are some great pics, good luck on finding the sheds.
  11. :wacko::wacko::wacko::wacko::wacko::wacko::wacko::wacko:Please find out what that means.
  12. Fingers crossed and prayers goin out Ruth.
  13. Jeramie - know anyone in college? Registered students get the full Office suite for a greatly and I mean GREATLY reduced price. They are allowed one copy per semester at about $12.00.
  14. That is great, better than anything on TV right now.
  15. That is wild, amazing how they adapt.
  16. Best of luck, prayers for success on the way.
  17. Fantastic pics as always Dave, Thank you so much for sharing.
  18. Happy Birthday to her, been there, done that, it wasn't too bad. both of my girls didn't like to bring their dates over because for some reason the dates were scared of me. Something about making knives?!
  19. I got my fingers crossed for you Ruth.
  20. Prayers on the way for all concerned.
  21. Outstanding, can't wait to see pics of the first catch with the new equipment.
  22. hammerforged


    Glad you made it home safe Steve.