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Everything posted by hammerforged

  1. I'm with Joe, don't much care for their coffee but will definitely have to stop in and thank them today!
  2. Happy Birthday, I hope it is a great one!
  3. Welcome to the campfire, pull up a stump and set a spell.
  4. Okay - Honey and Jerky - I'm Jealous.
  5. hammerforged


    Happy Birthday Ben!
  6. I hope you are feeling better Leo, I'm just gonna go Pawn my guitar now:o
  7. Thoughts and prayers on the way from South Carolina.
  8. Happy Birthday Randy, I hope it is a great one.
  9. Congratulations Will, welcome to Moronville!
  10. :jaw::jaw::jaw::jaw::jaw::jaw::jaw:
  11. Glad to hear you are okay Mike, stay safe my brother.
  12. Glad to hear everything is okay.
  13. Shoot me a PM with you ship to addy, I will get them boxed up and on their way.
  14. Metals are Gold, Copper, Silver, and Titanium.
  15. Here is a pic of a custom engagement ring, client provided the stone.
  16. The bus bar would be great, hard for me to get my hands on pure copper like that.
  17. I know quite a few that have had accuracy problems with the T3 "Lites", everyone that I know that has a T3 with the wood stock has not had any accuracy issues. I really want the T3 in .223 but need to sell a bunch more knives before I can swing that.
  18. Ben - I got quite a few Axis sheds that don't have enough mass for handles if you are interested. Actually thought about making a lamp out of them but the wife said no to that idea.
  19. Man - I don't envy you guys at all! I will be forging up some Mokume Gane today. Going to use Platinum for the first time in my mix.
  20. That is too funny right there. Wish I coulda been there to see your neighbor.
  21. Thanks everyone, Anthony it was an honor to be of service.
  22. Devin, that totally ROCKS! I am jealous.
  23. So sorry to hear this, prayers on the way for you and his family.