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Everything posted by hammerforged

  1. My last day of "employment" was November 30, 2008. Before that it was June 30, 2004. Before that it was November 30,1978. This last stretch November 30, 2008 to the present is the longest I have been unemployed in my entire life since I started working at 15. The only jobs available at present in South Carolina are in the medical field, I talked with a counselor about going back to school for something along those lines and I was laughed at because of my age and lack of formal education. I entered the Marines straight out of high school. I need change, but the present administration is not going to bring it about and I don't know if anyone can in time to help me or the others like me. I still have 2 more years before I can start drawing what little bit of "retirement" I have from 26 years with a company that decided a Mexican could do my job better. Getting off of my soap box now. Sorry for the rant.
  2. hammerforged

    Thank you ebay

    You really need a new knife;).
  3. Great pics Shaun, I appreciate you sharing with us.
  4. Nice pics Kyle, thanks for sharing.
  5. Whoa - Great pic, Thanks for sharing!
  6. hammerforged

    Thank you ebay

    Congrats, now you need a new knife ;-)
  7. Congrats, I hope you guys have a great trip.
  8. Dang, wish I could but too far on no funds. I hope you guys have a great time and don't forget to post some pics for the rest of us.
  9. Congratulations, looking forward to the vids.
  10. Sorry to hear this, have had nothing but good experiences myself (knock on wood).
  11. Great Ken, can't wait to see pics of the new ride!
  12. Thanks Steve, I needed that ;-)
  13. Good to see you back on here, great news as well. I hope the Lord continues to bless you as he has.
  14. hammerforged

    Gopher Hunt

    66 second time, I like this game!
  15. hammerforged

    Gopher Hunt

    54, now that is a great stress reliever.
  16. Beautiful pics Shaun, Thanks for sharing.
  17. Flash Cadillac and the Continental Kids The Ink Spots
  18. Sorry about your truck, glad no one was hurt.
  19. Congratulations, fine looking son you have there.
  20. Good to know, thanks Joe!
  21. Prayers on the way, please keep us posted.
  22. I have a chance to get an older (6 years old) Toshiba laptop for free. My question is, will I be able to install Windows Vista on it or will I have to dig up a copy of XP? I have the Vista disc that came with my desktop, might be able to find an XP disc around here somewhere. How difficult will it be to do a re-format and install? Am I getting in over my head? Any advice/help would be most appreciated.