Arkansas Boy

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Everything posted by Arkansas Boy

  1. Good one! My dad is in Michigan right now trying to do the same thing!
  2. this is part of what makes archery great! Don't worry about it. Always aim an inch or two low when they are on alert, because they will drop everytime!
  3. too much work to save $13 (per 3). I don't mind spending $25 for 3 lumenocks once every year or two.
  4. yeah my girl is an afternoon hunter for sure! It's like pulling teeth to get her on stand before sun-up. She has gotten pretty deadly with her Fred Bear whitetail Jr. though. Muzzleloader starts this saturday and she also said she doesn't want to hunt with a ML, she wants to get one with her bow.
  5. 1 year with crossbow, 1 with compound bow. This is currently my 2nd with compound bow, 3rd overall. Missed several does, but never even drew back on a buck before.
  6. great job! That first deer is something else! I got my girlfriend that same mossy oak hat
  7. My dad and I were very disappointed in the Shuttle T-locks. He shot a doe in michigan behind the shoulder and the deer was never recovered. Plus the 100 grain broadhead is super small........
  8. C'mere deer powder is a good one if you have your deer used to coming to it (hard to do at $19 a bottle). I am trying acorn rage for the first time this year ($14 a bag). We have corn feeders, but FWIW I have never killed a deer over a feeder.
  9. My girlfriend is about 5'1 and 130lbs and she is most comfortable around 36lbs when target shooting, however the lowest legal draw in Arkansas is 40lbs so we will have to kick it up 4 lbs for deer season, but this is not a problem since you won't be repeatedly shooting, you just need to be able to pull it once. If you struggle with 50, go with the lowest legal weight. The difference in speed between 50 and 45 lbs is going to be minimal. Speed is overrated in bows, just find the weight you are most comfortable with. Also practice sitting down, standing, kneeling, etc. You might be able to pull 50 in perfect standing conditions, but any bowhunter will tell you that the shot position is not always optimal, so keep that in mind.
  10. first pin is 15 yards, 2nd is 20 yards, and the third is 25 yards. I am not comfortable past that and do not trust myself to put an ethical shot on a deer beyond 30 yards.
  11. Marlin 30-30 sometimes a 7mm Mauser or Remington 30-06 Just got the girlfriend a Rossi .243 youth Combo
  12. Fred Bear Whitetail Jr. My girlfriend wanted to start bowhunting and since we are broke, I went with the Fred Bear Whitetail Jr. It has a 24" draw and it's maxed out at 40# which is the lowest legal draw weight here in Arkansas. Bow, tru glo site, whisker biscuit, arrows, broadheads, and all I was still only out $200!