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Everything posted by 92xj

  1. 92xj

    Girl Scout Cookies!

    Hey fatty, you ready to do our competition? Start tomorrow and go to April 1st. No cheating/lying about the weights. Whoever loses the highest percentage, not total weight, wins. Game on?
  2. 92xj

    Please Pray for Cash

    Been on the Right Coast since Thursday of last week. Sorry to hear about all this Kyle. Glad he is doing better!!!
  3. cute. Don't be stupid. I am not wasting money to fly down there to kick you in the sacred region, but I will find someone to do it for me, if you go this route.
  4. Thats a shed that looks like a coke can!!!:jaw:
  5. 92xj


    I have noticed, I have also noticed that you keep leaving out quotation marks. Weird!!!
  6. Ah, you'll be fine. Cut it off at the hip and go about your business.
  7. If you have never done tile before and are on a budget, do not have your first project be a back splash. I would do everything else you are wanting to do first and then the tile last. It's a lot more time consuming and difficult (for the first timer) than it appears on TV. There are a lot of tools you are going to have to rent and/or buy to lay tile. Paint the wall for now.
  8. 92xj

    Hey Gator!

    Happy birthday.
  9. Thanks Randy, Happy Birthday to you too! Hope you are doing well man. One year we will have to plan some birthday bash, I guess, wherever you are doing a show.
  10. Talked with Chris today. He is doing good. Been a little under the weather, but good. Neck is doing good and has no more real pain. Once he gets wireless internet at the house he will be back on. He wanted to let everyone know he said "hey". I will talk with him tomorrow some more. Seems like he is doing good and is in good spirits!!!!
  11. 92xj


    Thanks everyone. The day was horrible! I was at my desk at 5:30 this morning and left there are 6:15 tonight. Had more than a handful of ex's texting and calling telling me happy birthday and a couple asking if they could take me out tonight. I guess I failed to mention to most of them that I moved for North Carolina to Washington. One of the chicks found out that I moved, just last week, by ready the charlotte observer and seeing my sister's wedding picture. In the writing stuff for the picture, it mentioned my name and where i live. Stupid paper!!! She was not to happy that I did not inform her of my beings. Wonder why. Anyhow, I have just made a PB and J and going to hit the shower, talk to the lady friend and pass out!
  12. 92xj

    Another surprise!!

    Fat people can make fun of fat people. Skinny people can't make fun of fat people.
  13. Your attitude and anger in these 5 little sentences has turned me off big time. Good Luck!!!
  14. 92xj


    105-115, yeah it gets hot, but with 2% humidity its not that bad. Just the motors in vehicles climbing dirt roads all day long at 3 mphs hate that weather.
  15. 92xj


    Thanks guys. Orlan, dang good to still see you around every once in a while! I don't know when I will be making it. This weekend, I am headed back to the right coast. Then I close on the house the 25th so its going to be crazy. I will try and figure something. I will have to make it before it gets so dang hot.
  16. 92xj

    Thread rating

    It's not my fault he's a moron.
  17. 92xj


    William, to you as my friend, Thank you!
  18. Happy Birthday Randy! I hear the greatest people on Earth were born this day. Hope your day is awesome and you are safe on the road where ever you might be.
  19. Will see what I can do. I will be sure to let him know all you guys miss him.
  20. 92xj

    Son having surgery

    On the way from Washington, Nut. Goodluck in the morning!
  21. He texted me today, but I am assuming is asleep now. I will text him in the morning to catch up with him and see how he's doing. Knowing him he has been wrapped up in some females. Will keep everyone posted!
  22. 92xj

    to the thread rater

    That would be the dumbest hacker ever! Who would hack an account just to rate threads. :clown: