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Everything posted by 92xj

  1. So, how did the first day go for everyone? Anybody want to spill the beans on what they are doing to lose the weight, or shall we all keep it secret in hopes no one steals our ideas on weight loss?
  2. haha, if you cant figure it out, it's all good. I trust you!
  3. I had no idea how hard it is to get a clear picture of a scale.... bring it on girls!!!!
  4. Been a long day. Going to Walmart in a bit to get my scale and post a pic. Will have one tonight!
  5. Call a spade a spade. Speak up. If you are not comfortable with one on one, take it to the next level with authority. Or make it known that you and others are aware of his actions. I would call someone out on a forum so that person knows people are onto him/her. Poaching and tresspassing are the same as lying and stealing. And the only thing worse than a liar is a thief.
  6. Alarm is set for 4:59am. Wake up 4:05 - 4:10 am. not sure why I even set an alarm anymore. SSS and out the door by 5:15. Sitting at my desk 5:30. Leave work between 5:30-6:00pm. Gym Eat In bed by 9 - 9:30pm, watching the Wether channel. Yes, people call me an old man. This is not the norm for everyday 26 year olds....
  7. 92xj

    In the Morning..

    Be safe on the travels home! Glad you had a good time.
  8. Awesome shots! no pun intended, haha I am jealous!!!
  9. 1 - 92xj 2 - KentuckyTurkey 3 - layin on the smackdown 4 - Wobbly Alaska 5 - Dawg 1a - The Kat 2a - Shaun I am ready to start this thing. One more day girls! To bad no one else wants to join in and become more healthy.
  10. you inbred hick, southerners are so dumb! The north will rise again!!!
  11. Well, so far there are only 5 of us. Hopefully more people will join, but if not, so be it! 1 - 92xj 2 - KentuckyTurkey 3 - layin on the smackdown 4 - Wobbly Alaska 5 - Dawg
  12. A couple of years ago I dropped 40 lbs and have kept it off. The only thing I changed was I cut all drinks out except water. Well and beer, but I will never give that up. No soft drinks, teas, milk or jucies unless it was low sodium V8. I am also know that unless you are HUGE you can't lose weight by eating better alone. When you sweat you will lose weight. My plan this time is to eat a low calorie diet with no intake of saturated fat and try and stay under 1k cals. We shall see how it goes.
  13. 92xj

    Ive got a problem

    Don't get involved in it at all. Do not talk to him about it nor her. It is already headed in the worse direction and there is nothing you can do about it. You do not need to get caught up in the he said she said BS that is going to happen really soon. Let them figure out their own lives. You decide your opinions and who you want to believe but it is my opinion to stay out of it. I learned my lesson once to never get in the middle of a couple where one or both are cheating. If you need to talk to someone about it. Talk to Brittany, it will only make your relationship stronger. Goodluck bro. Stay away, stay far away!!!
  14. Oh come on! Walmart has them for under 10 bucks. Go get one and do this. I figured you would be the first one to sign up, since I am giving you an opportunity to beat me at something. Let's have a little fun on RT. It's something a lot of people here can't seem to do.
  15. Please explain why you can't believe that.
  16. Do not forget about the constitution and due process.
  17. So far it's.... 1 - 92xj 2 - KentuckyTurkey 3 - layin on the smackdown Come on people. What do you have to lose, besides weight!!!
  18. We can always do a round two and three. I think longer than 4 weeks and people will lose interest. Let's do a shorter one and if people get motivated to join in, the second one could start sooner.
  19. Just a picture of the numbers. No need to see the person and the scale at the same time. I hope we can all be honest about this.
  20. RealTree’s Biggest Loser. Starting March 10th we shall have an initial weigh in. In order to be in the contest, a picture of your scale with you on it showing your weight is needed. We will do weekly weigh-ins every Wednesday. The weekly weigh-in will consist of a picture of you and your weight on the scale. The competition will run for 4 weeks and the person with the highest weight loss percentage will win. By doing this publicly it will embarrass us more and hopefully keep us motivated and headed in the right direction. If you would like to be a part of this great event please reply to this thread and have a scale and picture ready on Wednesday. The deadline for entrees will be 9pm Pacific Time. Anyone is welcome, this is not just for fat people like myself. Anyone that wants to lose a little weight and get in shape. Remember you win by percentage not how much total weight you lose, so even a skinny person could win this thing. Any other suggestions?
  21. 92xj

    Girl Scout Cookies!

    Let's make this a public thing. I will start a thread.....
  22. 92xj

    Girl Scout Cookies!

    I am game! I will get a scale for home since I don't think the gym would like me in the changing room with a camera. Might be weird. I will type up some "rules and guidelines" and we will go from there.