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Everything posted by 92xj

  1. Oh, and one more thing. Lets be sure turn use the religion and race card somewhere in here. Because we all know that has everything to do with something.
  2. I don't believe I made any personal remarks like you have just started to do. Taking what was said personal and then calling someone names as well as assuming is Pathetic. Are you talking to me? If so, you need to go back and reread and please copy and paste everything that i said that relates to that paragraph.
  3. 92xj

    What Would You Do?

    Wait a second, wait a second. So she is saying that it could have been your dad or his best friend, that means that the two guys were.....yeah nevermind. Give pops a pat on the back for me.
  4. I concur 100% We have our own problems here. Plus, we, as the world population, are living way outside of the means of the earth. Over population is out of control and population control is in need big time. Natural Disasters happen but not often enough.
  5. 92xj

    What Would You Do?

    Cool deal, Glad it seems to be working out. Hopefully the outcome, whatever it is, will be the best for all involved.
  6. Can you get them to create an acre lot that is in pond shape but only 1-3 feet deep that can be flooded by the pond that is holding water? Or maybe have a shallow end that you could lower the water lever down during the spring and summer to plant and then raise the water level a foot or so to "flood" it? If so, you could have a sweet little honey hole for waterfowl.
  7. I was talking about the Sasquatch not the scared dude!
  8. 92xj

    What Would You Do?

    Odd and weird, but it could have been a lot worse. I had some crazy situations running through my head. I agree about the whole wait to say a word about it till you are 100% sure. I know you left off a lot of the story but judging that someone is family based off looks is a far reach. My dad and Rick Flair look like identical twins but we have no kin folk between the familys. Anyhow, I wish you the best and hope things go the way you would want them.
  9. 92xj

    Bad News for me

    Meh, plugs are pretty cheap. Just head to your local NAPA and pick up a basic Champion. I think they are around 2-4 bucks these days. That will take care of your misfire problems.
  10. I think you guys should have asked Will's permission to use his picture in a possible commercial before posting it. I think he is going to be very upset. But, on a good note, the picture you guys used makes him look way better than he really is. Nice!
  11. 92xj

    David Coker?

  12. 92xj

    David Coker?

    hahaha, I am good, kinda. have you called him yet?
  13. 92xj

    David Coker?

    Do you by chance know his email addy? If so do they look like either of these? cokers@1sco....... or david.coker@bnsf........ ??????
  14. 92xj

    David Coker?

    Does his number look anything like this? 817.343.1***?
  15. 92xj

    David Coker?

    How far away are these towns? Allen Aubrey Caroollton Haslet He should be around the age of 38-41 years old. Went to Castleberry High School in Ft. Worth, TX, Possibly.
  16. 92xj

    David Coker?

    Call it and see what he wants, Sally. Or if it really does freak you out a little, go get some sort of phone recording device and then call him. That way every is documented and has a paper trail if something of interest is said. Or just PM him Kyle's cell number and tell him it's yours and to call whenever he can.
  17. 92xj

    David Coker?

    What was the "sketchy" message?
  18. 92xj

    Canada hunt

    Next time I will label them incorrectly by saying "Canadian" Two more weekends left. Will be out on the river starting at 3am Saturday and don't plan to be home untill the limit is filled of duck and geese on Sunday.
  19. Goodluck! A heck of a lot closer to here as well.
  20. 92xj

    New Signature

    Buckee, what is that? A turkey with a beard coming out of his back?
  21. 92xj

    At what point...

    http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&source=hp&q=definition+of+hunting&aq=f&oq=&aqi=l1g3 You hunt your way, they hunt theirs.
  22. No waiting around when it comes to jobs, even if everyone there says to wait, they will call. When I was interviewing and going through it, I called every single company I met with at least once every other day until I got a confirmed answer or Yes or No. You might feel like you are bothering and annoying them but it also shows you are deteremined to get a job and want the job! It worked for me and everyone else I know. DO NOT WAIT AROUND. Go call, Jobs in this economy will not fall in your lap, its going to take a ton of effort. I spent 10 hours a day researching, calling, interviewing, calling back and writing letters for 4 months before I got a solid job effort.