Don't assume, just because he is the number one football player on the tv and has every chance to talk on the tv, that he is the most religious and Godly player out there. You don't know what other players beliefs are.
Yes and Yes. But I didn't cry. I stood strong to show that I learned from the game, was strong enough to control the emotions to lead my team. But everyone is different and do their different things. I understand that. He has the right to be disappointed and I never said he didn't. I am sure there are many of Seniors that are disappointed in not winning a National Champinionship. Not once did I say he does not have the right to be disappointed.
I don't think I ever said I didn't forget about his accomplishments on the field or his ministry work or trips to impoverished countried. I don't hate one bit that I am not that guy. I would rather live my life not in the spot light like him nor have to prove anything to anybody but myself, my family, my boss and God. It sounds like you are a little bitter you are not him.
It amazes me that everything has to turn into this religion mess. Leave religion out of it! It's almost as bad as the race card.
But all of you make me Thanks!!!