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Everything posted by 92xj

  1. Ya'll need to hunt the pacific fly way. Still hot and heavy over here. We are finally starting to see thousands of mature pintails! I will be out on the river tomorrow for ducks, fields on Saturday for Geese and river again for ducks and geese on Sunday. Hopefully it will be good.
  2. Who says that the women cant save him? Why is he not in the same "boat" as the women when it comes to being saved. (No pun intended) haha. Are you saying women are weaker than men?
  3. I have only lost 4 ducks in 6 years of hunting the marshes of low country south carolina. You need to try harder and watch the birds fall. Do not shoot again until you find the first one.
  4. You really put your ladder on ice? :hammer1:
  5. If you have only spent $500 bucks on repairs that means you have not done the scheduled Timing belt replacement at 90k-120k miles. I CV joint in a camry will make more of a Popping noise like hitting two large marbles together. Is that the "clunk" noise you hear? It could also be loose lug nuts, check those ASAP. Upper Strut bushings can also make a nice clunking sound while turning, but will also do it over bumps in the road. Check the steering as well. Have the car in OFF and get someone to sit in the drivers seat and turn the wheel back and forth while you are on the ground with a flashlight looking at your tie rods, rack and ball joints. If they move they are shot. The steering wheel turner should only be able to move the wheel around 1/4 to 1/5 of a rotation. So not much at all. Dont have them turn and fight the power steering that is not working while the car is off. Just move it from 10 to 2 or 11 to 1.
  6. 92xj

    Another walleye

    Man, I wish we were closer. We need to do some fishin trip trading!!!
  7. Some might have seen these from my trip back home but here is the rest of my best spottail fishing trip ever. My cousin and I caught our limit of 6 and didnt stop till we reached 29 fish a piece. If we would have landed everyone we had on the number would have been 74. It was cold for South Carolina, right at 26 degrees all morning! It was simply amazing and not a bad way to end a nice Duck hunt, haha.... Then this thing came and tried to take out fish!!!
  8. 92xj


    Gator shirt needed with Tebow on back
  9. Heard reports, cant find anything on it yet. Anybody got anything yet?
  10. I have built one. 16 hours on an Excavator and 30 feet of 10 inch pipe with a 90 elbow in it created a nice 30 yard circle 3-7 feet deep stream feed pond that holds 30-50 rainbows in it.
  11. 92xj

    funny idea I had

    I don't care about the spelling, I just dont have any idea what you are talking about.
  12. My last day, I even made a trip to Boone, and was 25 minutes for Mountain City. Oh well, maybe next time. The last weekend of this month i will be back. My sister is getting married in Charlotte. If you would like to come party come on down! It's going to be crazy.
  13. Don't forget about the record heat and droughts that have happen during the summers.
  14. Grandpas house is old. Its registered on the South Carolina Historical something something. They made this thing to hang outside that gives the original address, before some of the road names as well as the date of when it was built so the tourist traveling the area can check it out. His house was completed in 1811. Pulled from the water and into the steamer in 30 minutes, they are amazing. I have never had King crab that fresh so to me they blow king crab legs/claws out of the water when it comes to taste, but then again I feel that I might be comparing apples to oranges. Now that I am in the Pac NW my goal is to somehow catch a King crab and have it cooked 30 minutes out of the ocean. When that happens I will have a better comparison but until then the blue crab is the winner. We eat all of the crab, all the legs as well as the body. Some of the best meat is in the body.
  15. Got a bunch of shells. Left all the Star fish. Also, got a bunch of these from the sea. This is the true treasure!!!
  16. And now the trip will be ended with some South Carolina beauty, where my "home" will always be... Hope everyone had an awesome Holiday, I know I did.
  17. After one of the morning duck hunts I did a little walking around the plantation.... After the plantation walk I needed a walk on the beach to see the east coast for the first time for the year... Enough of that site seeing crap, time to get back to hunting.... The next couple of mornings were full of wood ducks and great sun rises. This was found this past year in one of our duck hunting holes... I did get one chance to get out and do some spot tail fishin. By far the best fishing trip I have done. My cousin and I landed 58 spots in 2 hours. Simply amazing!!! One more to come....
  18. Well, it took a while to get back there but I finally did it. I have not been back since moving out here in May. To start the trip off my plane was cancelled for two days, then I got stuck in Denver, but finally three days after I was suppose to arrive in Charlotte I made it. Dad picked me up from the airport and we headed straight to the hunt club in South Carolina for a couple days of deer hunting. I hunted two days straight and never once saw a single deer. I did however get my first bobcat. It was not a mature or large cat so she it did get a full mount but I do have a nice little rug. Here are some pics of the hunt club and the cat. After "deer" hunting, I headed down to Georgetown SC for Christmas. I stopped by the river house which is my most favorite place in the world and is where my ashes will be spread. After the river house was a trip to Grandpas to hang out with him and unpack all my stuff. The following morning was time to get in the ol Wood duck pond. Once again it didn't fail me! More to come.....
  19. That second picture makes him look like he is missing the front leg as well. Kinda funny. My vote says he will die. The winter will catch up with him as well as some predator. Hopefully he will make it, but I will guess not. Edit: He still looks very healthy though. Tough call.
  20. 92xj

    so cold that

    I hear you can drink your own pee twice before it will harm you more than it will help you.
  21. My only "big game" harvest of the year. First year not killing a deer since I was 5. But it was also the best waterfowl year I have ever had!