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Everything posted by 92xj

  1. 92xj


    Odd, I haven't seen any. I'll send one to you and see if that works, assuming you have the same number.
  2. 92xj


    Did I send you something? Or you me and I not respond? If it's been within the last three days I haven't had a phone, Monday it crapped out and it took warranty till Wednesday night to get one here. Been setting it up and getting everything recovered and downloaded today.
  3. 92xj


    Sorry it took a while, been at Elk camp so week. The number is still the same.
  4. 92xj


    Thanks everyone. Pretty excited to experience this parenthood thing.
  5. 92xj


    That is all. March 4th the doc says. Oh, and hello everyone.
  6. 92xj

    What the cuss? Part 2

    Good Gosh i hate this new upgrade stuff. Can someone please explain how the hell to search old post by someone? You used to be able to go into their profile and click on previous threads or post, can't find it now.
  7. 92xj

    What the cuss? Part 2

    Put 30 more pounds of salmon fillets in the freezer this weekend. 75 total for the season. Hanging up the rod and reel and chasing the fowl this weekend for the opener. It has began.
  8. for the folks having issues posting pictures, I would highly recommend a photo bucket account. You set photo bucket as a contact, then you can text pictures from your phone as easily as texting your friend. Then you just copy and paste a link out of photo bucket into a post and the picture shows up. Stupid easy. Photobucket even resizes the pictures to forum size on its own when it is downloaded from a text. I would not recommend using the real tree photo storage and posting stuff. lame.
  9. Testing on the computer. Site is pretty smooth on the computer, but still way to much excessive junk. Testing picture posting ease.... youth season last weekend and a pic from my archery bull hunt a few weeks ago.
  10. Get rid of all this useless Facebook horsecrap. Go to a normal minimalistic forum. It's a bunch of old farts around here, not 14 year old girls, though some act like it. We don't need to read someone's blog, we don't need to know if someone likes our post, we don't need stupid orange bars under our names telling us how fantastic we are at typing on a forum. We need a place to write a post, share a picture and call each other names, nothing more.
  11. 92xj

    What the cuss?

    One year twenty one days
  12. 92xj


    Ducks will die this year. I have a lot to hunt before the October 12th opener though. September 1st brings deer, bear, elk, and dove. Got to get all my big game done in 24ish days. Im ready for the challenge. We shall see what happens.
  13. Pay to ban certain members, membership will increase.
  14. 92xj


    To the ones out there that need to hear from me, I havent forgot and hello.
  15. engagement gift to me! PMing address for over night shipping!
  16. 75% apple, 25% cherry. Thats all I ever use when smoking for myself, catering events, comps and everything else.
  17. in the top 3 things of what I miss about the South. I had several within miles of the house where I grew up and in college. No one has ever heard of them out here on the west coast. We are flying back next weekend to spend a few days with my family in South Carolina. First stop, BoJangles. If anyone ever gets bored and wants to mail some out, it is doable with a tiny amount of dry ice and fast delivery mail. Ive had a few foods items mailed out here. I will be more than happy to accept any!
  18. 92xj

    The unthinkable

    ring's been bought, given, worn, and showed to every living and non living thing within a 250 mile radius of the fiance. She did help rig some new decoys last night. She has also bought me some custom hand painted decoys as a gift. She has zero desire to hunt and I have zero desire to take her. Camping on the other hand is where we will be found together in the outdoors, she loves it and the scouting that comes with it. I waited till after the answer to show her how to turn the fuel on in the boat so it would run. No matter the outcome I was not swimming home. One two letter word would have made her, luckily she said the 3 letter one.
  19. You're awesome and I appreciate your efforts and willingness. Seriously.
  20. Awesome pics! Thanks for posting them! The salmon are starting to run a little here, a few more weeks and it's game on. Congrats on the success and the amazing trip you had.
  21. Gotcha. I still cant seem to see it for some reason. Must be on my end. I will try again on another computer later.
  22. 92xj

    The unthinkable

    It was Tuesday night two weeks ago that I went to the river. After work, I ran home, grabbed the boat, the dogs, some dinner in a cooler, a ring and a lady. Went out to a hunting spot on an island in the middle of the river to work the pup, eat some dinner and relax while watching the sunset. Her along for the ride and relaxation. Placed a bumper on the ground by her camp chair for my knee on the rocky water's edge and did the deed. I didnt have to swim back and neither did she. Never really thought that day would happen in my life, with the dumb things I've done in the past and the women I used to know. But now, it's time for life. I believe I'm ready.
  23. 92xj

    It's a girl!!!!!

    Congrats, hope you dont go to jail in 16 years.