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Everything posted by redkneck

  1. redkneck

    cant see me papa

    Just be sure to load him up with candy so he'll be ready to "entertain" mama when she picks him up. That's what my folks would always do to me lol.
  2. redkneck

    RIP Goober

    Thought he was already gone. Fox should fire their editors, they have the worst type-o's and grammar and blatant errors in the business, esp on their mobile site. "Goober Pyle" RIP Goober.
  3. Thank you all for the kind words. I am a good father but not a great one. These days the kids raise me as much as I raise them. If they find a couple of beers in a cooler in my truck, I'm subject to find a tract on my bathroom vanity about the dangers of drugs/alcohol, lol. I'm just fortunate to be able to be a part of their lives.
  4. It is entertaining, don't know if I would go that far though. I don't watch any show on a regular basis anymore, but have gotten sucked into Magic City on Starz. Absolutely unreal how many stupid reality shows on now, and everyone is largely staged.
  5. I've never seen a garter snake without stripes. may be, hard to tell in the pic.
  6. He picked up an '02 on Ebay with 8,800 miles on it for about 26k. He's only put about 600 miles on it since last fall. Don't know what **** do with it, but he's got more money then sense, with 3 vettes, a 70 cutlass, 67 nova, and God knows how many trucks, a BMW, and an Acura. I'm sure there's others lol. oh yeah, forgot about the GTOs. Yeah I'm jealous, but sadly he never finishes squat, half of them will sit in the elements cuz he loses interest.
  7. Not sure we have something around here with those same patterns. You did the right thing letting him live another day though. we're still trying to get Don to reach enlightenment.
  8. Gotta love that Don. Congratulations on a beautiful daughter and a good job raising her!
  9. Way to go Tom! Amazing how they can stay quiet for hours then for almost no reason gobble when you least expect it. I love to batter and deep fry breast strips sometimes with a little cajun seasoning and ranch dressing.
  10. Man that's sweet Shaun, I took my first ride in a Z06 a few months ago, and without traction control there's no ready to keep her pointed in one direction, can't imagine what that motor would do with a few mods in a truck frame.
  11. Yeah that is pretty sad Corey! My brains and looks, they'll go far lol!
  12. Thanks bud. I don't usually gloat about anything, and I've always told them I would rather them be more rounded than a book worm that rarely comes out of their rooms. I'm happy they rarely go into their rooms, stay outdoors, and honestly never study to speak of. Don't know where it comes from, but maybe they'll stick with it through high school.
  13. My girls are a gift. I could not be more proud of them both. Really racked up at awards night, Rachael even won a laptop for being the highest GPA out of about 200 students in her 7th grade class. They are also well rounded, outstanding athletes, and clean their own fish lol. I am really blessed.
  14. I like it. Didn't know they had a SS decal. Would look good on my midnight blue Z71
  15. I'm wondering if you got a big sticky trap and tied a string to it if you could just pull one out when they get stuck on it.
  16. Sure looks more like a white oak. We have white oaks and swamp chestnuts down here that look identical to that.
  17. Happy birthday! Hope William treats you well for a change. :clown:
  18. Mine wake me up about once a week or so. The violent ones really don't get that violent before I wake up. Something like I hear a noise outside, then I go to the front door, turn the knob when suddenly it's twisted in my hand quickly from the outside and I wake up. Strangely enough it's almost always at 3:30 a.m. Maybe I need to see a shrink lol
  19. I NEVER kill the deer/turkey/intruder etc. My twisted subconscious refuses to allow me some level of success in a dream. The scope is fogged, the trigger is too stiff, the bullet wont fire, you name it, it's happened. If I do manage to get a shot off on an intruder the rounds sometimes bounce off.
  20. Well last night I was on top of some steel structure and zombies were trying to climb it, yet strangely I had some cheese singles that when removed from thier wrapper were actually plastic explosives that could be dropped on them. I was down to the last single and the last zombie when he disappeared under the awning I was on. I could hear him behind me, knew I was done for so I woke up. Where could such stupid dreams come from?:wacko:
  21. ... insanely stupid dreams that wake you up? The kind that you really wouldnt even want to post because you figure folks will back off the keyboard and close their browser?
  22. Welcome again Matt. post up some pics of that coyote when you bag him!
  23. Second look I agree, not really all that shaggy, lol. Could be a white oak.
  24. Good folks on here, hope you stick around. Might want to make a post in the lounge and tell folks a little about yourself and interests and meet some of them. John
  25. Electronic Predator Call, Build your own - DIY - Mississippi Hunting and Fishing Forums