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Everything posted by woolybear

  1. woolybear Team 7- Team Piledriver 11/7/2013- archery doe 11/24/2013- upgrade 6pt ML
  2. I thought you were a "Tough Mudder" Fly..... what the heck? Scoop that buck up by one leg and run up the mountain with it for heavens sake,lol All kidding aside, it sounds like a great weekend was had by everyone in your party and getting a couple nice bucks was just a bonus! Congrats to the sucessfull hunters and great pics to reflect back on your best week at camp!
  3. I managed to fill my regular season buck tag today with a nice 6'er! I wasn't even going to go out because of the weather and no sightings lately. I froze my butt off for 4hrs before this fella came running in from behind me right around noon. When I stood up to grab my smokepole my treestand let out a God awefull groan and he ran away from me. Unfortunately for him, he didn't run far enough before he stopped, and I dropped 'em in his tracks! Not to toot my own horn... but I don't miss with this gun! As I was gutting him, I had 4 antlerless stroll by me at 20yds, and on my way dragging him out I bumped into 4 more antlerless on the trail home. I can still go out for late ML season but only got the antlerless tag so I'll see how cold it is,lol Looks like shed season will come early again this year! I'll get some tag pics tomorrow and get him entered in the contest thread. I'm glad it's over even though gun season's only a week old!
  4. Congrats on the button Fly! Sounds like you got some good ones in your sights now! Another sweet buck on your radar hoosier! Our gun season opens in the morning so things are about to heat up again.
  5. Good deal Rhine! Gotta keep the cobwebs dusted off for when that giant steps out! You guys sure do get a lot of buck tags. Hoosier- you're nuts passing a buck like that,lol.
  6. Here's my doe from the other day. I'll get her entered soon as I take my tag pic. I'll be spending my time this week moving stands and cams trying to pinpoint a shooter for the gun season opener next Saturday. Good luck out there this week everybody!
  7. Hey guys, sorry I haven't been around for a while.... been huntin'! Congrats on the does hoosier and Rhine! I took a doe today, but it looks like that's all I'll be putting up for us durring archery. I was trying to pinch pennies when I bought my tags so I only got my archery and regular season. Long story short, I had to burn my 'either sex tag' on this doe thinking I had an 'antlerless tag' to put on her, but since I didn't get my ML tag yet I never got the extra antlerless permit. I wont be able to buck hunt untill Next Saturday when our regular gun season opens. I really screwed myself this year.
  8. We finally get under way here tomorrow, so my participation should pick up some now. You guys got some SLAMMERS running around already!!! Still nothing major on my radar so I may consider taking an early season doe untill things start to heat up. BTW- good luck to you and the Mrs. with the delivery of the little one hoosier!
  9. Congrats on the doe kill hoosier! That was quick! You're not messing around this year. Maybe you already posted this in another thread and I'm missing it, but do you have any cam pics yet of a #1 target buck this year? Congrats again, and great shot!
  10. Dang Ruth, try to stay on your horses good side from now on....... that's the side with the saddle on it,lol! Two weeks before season opener is no time to be playing rodeo clown! :clown: Hope your healing up ok.
  11. Good luck Fly........ sounds more like a terrorist training camp to me,lol
  12. Team name doesn't matter none to me..... at the end of the contest, they'll just be calling us 'The WINNERS' anyhow,lol. Rhine, good luck this season! Getting through that has gotta give you a whole new perspective on things! Enjoy every season like it could be your last! Hoosier- smoke one of them big ol' studs you're known for! The quality you get always impressive to me! Trevor- it's all in fun man! Do your best and enjoy the hunt..... try to shoot a biggun though! bowhunter- shoot straight my man... that's a ll I got for you right now! I've got a ton of pics of some decent NY bucks this summer but I still haven't found that one jaw dropper. I still got two weeks to catch up to one..
  13. Howdy men! Good looking team.. lucky #7! This is gonna be like shooting fish in a barrel.... but with antlers!
  14. If a girl turtle is a turtle-ette.... a male crick-ette must be a crick! Or.., a crick is just a small creek, not big enough to be a river, but too big to be a stream... Just think about it,lol!
  15. Good stuff Mike! Glad to see you still behind the camera sharing what you see out there. One of these days we'll have to get together and you can show me where the eagles "fly fish"! Great job on the footage and video editing... I could watch that kinda stuff all day!
  16. Hehe- sometimes the mental pictures are better than anything I get with the camera,lol
  17. Found this guy running around in the goldenrod field today. I think he was lost and lonely. After our photo shoot, I gave him a lift down to the crick where I've been seeing a turtle-ette sun bathing on a log topless.:clown:
  18. Cool- must be exciting to see your work used commercialy and viewed by millions! Congrats!
  19. Thanks guys! I'm not sure if the fawn was just a white one or an actual albino. You guys are seeing about as much as I could see to make that determination....I'm not quite sure what the albino criteria are. They did have another big white bull elk but he was hiding quite a ways off in the dark timber with the other bulls. I wasn't sure they would even have any antler growth yet. Boy was I pleasantly surprised,lol. Shows how much I know about elk.
  20. In no particular order! I think the hardest part for me here was trying to catch the critters without a fence in the background or between us. I probably shouldn't have been so concerned with that, but that's just me!
  21. Wow- such a cool place! It took everything I had not to jump off the trolley and run around the fields with these critters! Good shots were kinda tough, as it seemed there was always somebodys head or a cup of grain in the way. Some shots I just had to fire away and hope for the best as we bounced along through some areas and never stopped. End of the day, me and sis had an awesome time here and would like to do it again some time. I got so many pics it's silly, so I may need to do another installment... or two! This little elk fawn just hit the ground some time last night!
  22. Congratulations Ruth, you're trophy looks AWESOME, and will serve as a great reminder to the outstanding 2012 season you had! I don't know what kind of bird brain would shoot a buck with birdshot, but it does add a unique story to another great mount/buck on the way!
  23. I've only had one follow me home 2 years ago. They never really exploded in my neck of the woods the way they have around some other areas of the state. I consider them rare, and just settled for a picture before I flushed him. Haven't seen another since then.
  24. woolybear


    First you gotta check to see if it's a male by lifting it's tail...... then bait the trap with a girl skunk! With a little luck, both the little stinkers will cooperate with ya.:poke: