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Everything posted by woolybear

  1. Looks like remnants of your umbillical chord.. or an angry tequilla worm seeking revenge!
  2. Looks like a great hunt. Enjoyed the vid also! WTG
  3. Very cool pics. I always enjoy seeing what everyone runs across out there. Photo sections of forums are by far one of my favorites to look through.
  4. You're just too white and don't know how to boogy! My wife loves him. I like his tunes.
  5. Alls I got to say is some folks are gonna be fuming mad at their taxi when they don't get their racks back! Nah,... most likely a homebrew job.
  6. I didn't spend much time shopping around, but I thought this one was a steal for the wifes b-day a few weeks ago. Very practical, so much so that I can figure it out. Best part is, Wally World had them on sale for $159 compared to their msrp $250. Bet they still got some.
  7. I'll check that out and let you know. I've been seeking the answer to this question for years now and have come up with nothing yet. Appreciate the help.
  8. Hmmm, identification by foot. Pink toes, I'll buy it. Ok, how bout this one!
  9. Whoa!!! Super largie! WTG young man!
  10. I got a few pics of some geese at the park wearing leg bands from a few years ago. Letters and numbers clearly marked. Some tagged twice with an orange band and a metal band. Any ideas where I can plug in these codes and find out a little more about these honkers without having to harvest them and send the bands out to......??? Here's a pic
  11. There's still hope for ya. I laughed at that lol:D Musta been before my time.
  12. Here's one for ya. 1'st thought young dove. Young looking and acting bird. Never flew, just ran bush to bush and hid. September seemed a little late for a fresh hatch whatever it is?
  13. Very nice! Turkey season's a great time to gobble up the last of the sheds.
  14. Whoa... my heads still spinnin this morning:eek: still not sure if I just need more coffee now,.... or need to grab a 12 pack next time and sleep in late.
  15. Almost looks better than canned tuna!.... almost;)
  16. No gut hook here. Just a sharp blade. Prefer to do the dirty work from the outside in so's to see what's going on. Much like a surgians work.
  17. WTG!!! What a beauty, glad you stuck with him and got to hang your tag from him!
  18. ....Biting my toungue here right now....kinda.... no I'm not. If fat people offend you, may serve you well to keep your mouth shut before you insert YOUR OWN FOOT! Yes ....ignorance pisses me off too.
  19. Judging by some of the pics I've seen Jack has posted in the past...... that's a fawn, LOL:D he'll watch him grow up;)
  20. Make sure to check out a pack of ladies underbritches protectors to and tell her keep the "change"!
  21. Carefull brotha, the offer from Heff sounds legit... BUT... I never heard of lunch being served at the candy store....
  22. Great shot Dave. You know I like them dudes! Keep 'em coming.
  23. Hehe, what he ticket ya for... flippin someone the bird?
  24. MH, That wa s gonna be my second affordable choice. Although it's never happened to me I 've heard rumors of the clip falling out?? It's a tack driver for sure scoped. Got the raised scope rings on it here as well but have yet to need them other than to sight them at the bag.