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Everything posted by davetucker

  1. that is the funniest thing ever . Actually the funny part is my 8 yr old boy is sitting here checking out deer pics with me !!LOL
  2. That happened to me also . One of my hunting spots where i have scored every year was gated off due to ignorant heater hunters tearing up the land . So the heater hunters move over to the ground my family has hunted all our lives , been a real bummer this year . Hold your head high and enjoy the great outdoors .
  3. I'm like you and the others . I live in a town of 5500 and i even have to live on the country side of town !! It is 112 miles to the nearest city and i can't stand to be in traffic there . I went to visit my dad who live 20 miles north of philly and wow like you i don't know how people stand all the clutter . Dad being born and raised here in northern maine is now wanting to come retire here and get out of the cluster . Would love to come visit beautiful alaska sometime >
  4. Dave haven't been on much but have to ask ... Are you in anyway connected in the outdoor photography industry because you take some great photo's !!
  5. Man that's a big bear !! I would bet 350 to 400 lbs . Anyone disagree ?
  6. I bought a 4x4 in 270 when they first came out a few yrs back. It shoots very smooth and WAS a tack driver . However since my bear hunt something happened , I don't know if i banged it on a tree or what but i don't recall banging it anywhere i tend to treat my rifles like babies even my less expensive one's . Since then i haven't been able to get it to group worth crap . It has been to two different gunsmiths and still shoots like crap . I am hopeing to find a GOOD gunsmith and fix the darn thing .
  7. yup rhine said it all! Play and coach and that would have been what i said!!
  8. davetucker

    Need Advice

    I know the feeling. With this econamy and trying to cut corners in our family buissness us crane operaters when not in our machines have to now be laborers in between!! That has meant triple the work for the same pay! I guess it is the times where you have to suck it up and do what it takes to bring homea pay check and support the family!! Get this.... with things o te rise(hotel rooms,food,fuel) we get not a penny more per-diam and have to most of the time end up paying out of our pocket. Like the kat said keep the old job while looking for new one! It will be hard but a hunter is also a survivalist so i know you can do it.
  9. yup that sounds like a dandy of a time for sure. Been a really mild winter here in maine but am just aching to get out and shoot something other than the 15yrds i have been shooting in my cellar(my bow).
  10. well not a slap in the face that's for sure!!!
  11. you think if you had 20 grand to spend on a nice buck like that you would give someone like bill jordan,lee lakosky,jim shokey,don kisky,ect....(to name a FEW) and go hunta really nice place these real hunters hunt and experience the whole hunting experience like the fun at camp,good friends ,good food,and most of all the work it takes to bag a real buck you worked for!! Any how nice buck!!!!
  12. my 835 came with both barrells the gun was camoed but both barrells had fiber optic sights!!!
  13. nobody, nothing!!!!!Come on i am glad i never wasted my time taking a new picture!!
  14. davetucker


    dad lives in chalfont pa and he ays he measured 28 inches there! My brother lives down there with him and arrived here to go sledding on our 8inches of snow yesterday!!Dad called today laughing his butt off!! Hopefully the easy yr for snow will have a good winter for our deer!!
  15. someone must want a good bear rifle!!!
  16. I have a Thompson Center 45-70 for sale!! It is the pro-hunter with a kathadin barrell,stainless steel with camo stock!!It has the peep back site with fiber optic fronts!!The rifle is still in near mint condition!! Paid $725 for it a yr ago!! Let's hear some offers if interested!!I will post picks up later tommorrow!!Let me see how many interested!I am open to decent offers so please don't throw any insults my way cuz i'm only selling to get something different!! Would like an ar 15 if anyone wants to offer any trades!!
  17. don't we all just love rules!!!LOL!!!
  18. sounds like something maine would do!!!LMAO!!!
  19. hopefully that thing will blast plenty of them varmints!!!
  20. i got some cloths that were much needed!! I am turning into a under armour freak cuz i loce the feeling of them !!I got a northface jacket,northface pants and shirt.....and more cloths!!! I also got some new tools and a pair of timberland boots,colonge,dartboard!! Most of all i got to be closer to the true meaning!!!
  21. i love to hear christmas stories like this!!
  22. When i first read the heading to your thread i immeadiatly thought of the play our church (my son and i) put on last sunday...Your heading was the title of the play!!It had a great story to it and was enjoyed by all!! MERRY CHRISTMAS realtree friends have a great afternoon!!
  23. ya if santa could tie mine up for me till next yr and it looked like one of those it would be the best present ever!!
  24. ya he was singing that song for me!!LOL!!