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Everything posted by davetucker

  1. man i feel for ya man!!Our buisness just had to lay-off and hopefully just a winter thing!!
  2. and again this morning!!I was hunting a really nice clover fieldon one side and mixed organic hay on the other!!As i was starting to see some movement a guy on the joining property drove in and drove right up on a really nice 10 point and boom he down!!Man does this ever tick anyone else off!!I mean us ethical hunters hunt who work for their harvest take time off from work and put alot of hard work into the hunt to have these lazy people drive in and shoot them deer!!UUUGGGHHHHHH!!!!!!
  3. congrats on a nice hunt and awesome trophy!!
  4. good luck hope you have better luck than we are having here in maine!!
  5. Well in my last post i was about to throw the towel in!!Not yet!!I decided to try another lease i had and hadn't paid much attention to this year!!I went and walked it (around the edges of the woods kinda scouting)After seeing promising signs i hunkered down in some tall grass(no time to put up a stand) and see what happens!!right about 20minutes before legal light ends i hear some comotion from behind me coming from the direction of the road through the field i was hunkered down in and like an idiot i stood up to look at what it was and boom there they go!!A yearling and a momma!!Thats the most i have seen all yr!!So it really upped my spirits and now am all excited all over again!! Off to coach my sons b-ball team!!!Should i go in the woods in the late morning or should i wait out in the field!!The woods have alot of valley/ridges and was thinking maybe i could stock one in there!!Whats everyones advise!!
  6. i say we as a family take up for kat and have a wal-mart banning!!(i'd be in trouble cuz wal-mart is the only retail store within 50 miles)LOL!!!Target will get most of my christmas money this year!!
  7. and the scum who stole it probably calls himself a hunter!!!No true hunter is a scumbag stealing theif!!!
  8. I am about to become one!!! I have been hunting harder then heck and not seeing much except for early morning when dark!! I have scouted and hunted the food source,the in between bedding and so on!! One day i know i walked 10miles trying so hard to just see a doe!!The numbers here in maine are way low but as hard as i'm hunting i should see something!!!Everybody i know who got one has got it riding around!!!LUCK!!!I am going to try one more time tonight than i am almost at the point of giving up!!!
  9. i would be more happy with that buck then a nice big typical 8!!Congrats!!
  10. nothing wrong with that buck!! Here in maine we don't pass up much of anything doe to the slack number of deer!!!If the inland fisherie and wildlife would figure out how to get more deer here than we could get picky!!
  11. hoosier-you are right about the sates needing to do something!!!I would go for just about ant idea!!The deer herd here in maine really sucks!!I hunted hard all last wkend and today man i pounded the grounds hard,tried every method,theory,cenerio,and i mean i pounded the ground!! As close as i got was stumbled upon a steaming pile of crap!! Maine is the state for all the bioligists who have a "f" average in college!!UGGGHHHH!!
  12. Ya ya ya you women(lol) always seem to come out ahead!!!I haven't got close to what my wife has got in the past 5yrs!!!Us men like to give our wives the BIG ONES WE SCOUT out!!LMAO!!!
  13. hopefully superstiction(sp)has it's day and he will never shoot another deer again!!JERK!!!
  14. it!!That picture sure shows alot of these!!LOL!!!Good fun to come!!
  15. congrats on a nice buck!!
  16. thanks william for your info!!A floorplate i am not all that concerned about!!When i get out of the truck to walk into wherever i may be hunting that day i always load up anyways so loading up on the fly is no concern for me and also like i said i was buying a new toy to use not to set in the safe and MAYBE shoot it once a yr so saving a couple hundred bucks and have to jack the shells out is o.k. especially in todays econamy!(actually it was a combo deal so with the scope it saved me about 450)the scopes not bad it isn't nikon or leupold but i personally think it is as crisp as leupold(i'm not a fan of leupold scopes) as to it's ruggedness i don't know!!!
  17. i have heard from a couple guys from around here that a caribou hunt is one of the easiest they have done!!They went right at the migration period and alls they had to do is chase packs all day and sit and glass till they found one they liked!!Thats all i heard and it is second hand info so don't take me as saying it as an experience myself cuz i too would love to go hunt them!!
  18. atleast he's a moron millionair!!!LOL!!Most of them rich guys are morons with money and us smart guys die broke!! But if he can blow a heffty mil on a hotrod he can afford to fix it!! Must be nice but if i had that kind of cash i would be on an awesome hunting tour of all the north american species(whitetail,mulies,blacktail,elk moose,speedgoat,brownbear)and i would be just as happy!!
  19. you must live in maine!!!!
  20. LMAO!!!!!I can't stop laughing!!!!LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLL!!!!!