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Everything posted by davetucker

  1. Last fall i used my 270 during bear season!! I hit what i wanted where i wanted!! After bear season and right before youth deer day i took my 12 yr old son out to do some target practicing!! The first shot he hit dead on!! Then we couldn't even get a 3 inch group!! My step-dad(who was a sniper in the marines) couldn't even group with it!! I don't remember hitting it on anything but anything could happen!! Someone told me to use a bill and slide it down th barrell and do something!! I don't know what else to check!! The scope isn't responding to any adjustments!! HELP!!!!
  2. I love my pro-hunter 45-70!! You'd think it would leave a hole the sizeof texas but actually it isn't that bad!! I can hit real acuratly up to 175 yrds and if the buck was big enough i'd go for it out to 225!! Now i know nothing about the 460 caliber and have never even shot one,but that actually is my next gun in the s&w pistol!! I'd go with what your comfortable with!!
  3. Ya and to think american people(not you or I) actually voted for barrack H. obama!! Whats the H stand for?? Man some people(his voters) seem so uneducated!!! Free country no more!!
  4. My first bow was bought for me this christmas!! It was a lights out!! I had it fit for me at dicks on friday!!I had never even shot a bow before this!! When i got there they had me shoot a bunch to see which one fit me!The lights out was the best one i found!!After getting it tuned i shot 2 robin hoods(the bow tech called it)!!I shot again lastnight and man that thing shoots tight groups!!I love it i wanna shoot all the time now!!Sorry rifles you just got replaced!!
  5. i'm also new into the bowhunting world and have done my shopping!!I ended up getting a bear archery lights out bow!!It wasn't all that expensive and after shooting all the bows they offered that was the smoothest best feeling bow for a beginner!!
  6. The responses here are shocking the crap out of me!!Jmho!!Like said above i can understand getting up there in age and not being able to get around so well,but to say the excitment of having a big ol buck,bull,doe,cow,ect....standing in front of you i hope i never,never dies!!I guess some people (like me) that haven't the resources to go on all the great hunts every yr might never feel like that!!
  7. Man o man!!I hope i never lose the feeling of not getting excited!!I get excited like a kid a christmas!I can see getting older and not being able to do the physical part of it but i hope the excitment of doing all that work never bummes me out!!Here in maine i guess it's not an easy hunt!!One yr you might get a good heavy bodied/horned buck,the next you might get a spike!! I will never turn on down due to size(we cant afford it here in maine)!!Thats just the way 90%of us mainers were brought up!!I am however putting into effect(on land we own) a managment rule!!I hope i never lose that fire in the belly and when i do IT will be time to hang up the old rifle's and pass em on down!!I DO FEEL FOR YOU CB!!
  8. I was begining to think i was the only one that had caught on to it!! The other thing on them shows that i (imho) think stinks the hunter does no work except walking/driving within 150yrds of the animal someone else worked to spot and bang!! I'm cool now!! I agree i hate to watch african hunts!! Rich Yuppies!!
  9. Wow thats a deal in a half!!`If the wife wouldn't have bought me this new bear truth 2 i would snag it in a heart beat!!
  10. Shame on you for making that poor child cry!!LOL!!JK!!!Cute kid though!!
  11. Tell me them prints in the snow in the first pic are deer running for cover under that spruce!!
  12. Do they do more then make toys?And how much will they work for?Am in desperate need of tower cleaners(wind towers)!!Andrea can stay warm in the office though!!
  13. Congratulations and a good time for good news like that!!I finally get some much needed time off!!I have been bustin hump since my little vacation during bear season!!But it will be nice to be home with the family!!
  14. Hope your holidays are filled with nothing but joyous thought of times gone by!!Great post!!Merry Christmas!!
  15. Jeff first of all merry christmas friend!You and your son are couragous(sp) men for enduring what you had to see goin through all of this!!When i fill out profiles and am asked who my hero is my answer is"anyone who battles cancer and their families"!!God bless you man and may the holidays bring you joy even in this time of pain!!
  16. Yep we got a wopping 24'' lastnight!!Love to have the good ol white stuff on christmas day!!Well actually love to have it for about 3months so my snowsled doesn't just rot away!!
  17. I voted yes also!!I guess after i voted i should have thought it over more!!I guess my answer would be if it is the way you hunt so be it!!I pesonally hunt over bait!!It to me (and is only imho)is no fun turning a dog loose and running a bear up a tree!!Now (imho) baiting is a little more challenging!!You have to get the bears coming faithfully to the bait,be quiet enough getting pulled up on the bear,and you can't run in to your stand with a bunch of noise!!So even if you do bait the bears there is still somewhat of a hunt method involved!!Thats just my opinion,and everyone else is to!!
  18. AMEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  19. Yep, shaun the wolves are in trouble!!I love my wifes 25-06 a-bolt!!The thing is a real tackdriver!!Good luck to you and the wolves!!
  20. Randy that sounds like a great deal!!I am getting into the bowhunting world and have put a bow on my santa list this yr!!I had hinted around to my wife that there was an awesome bow on here for sale and told her to look for the ross cardiac!!I think, she had a guy at her work that is big into bow hunting help her out getting a bow!!!Not sure but the evidence points to it!I think it is going to be a fread bear truth 2!!I hope you sell it!!It sounds like a heck of a deal!!I looked this bow up on the website and what a bow!!(for what i know about bows which aint much)!Good luck and merry christmas!!
  21. Randy there are two prices is it 450 or 700??And include the whole package!!
  22. My CHRISTMAS tree is real!!Thank you ranger clay!!We buy a fir every yr on dec.2nd on my wifes birthday and have a family birthday party!!I will get the camera at the office tomorrow and take some pics!!
  23. Maine has some really good bear hunting!!And some bid ones to!!It wouldn't be hard for you to come on up here and get a bear!!And not cost much either!!If your interested let me know maybe i can put something together!!
  24. Money,it's the root of all evil!!Some law enforcement(i said some)do make me sick!!They take there jobs to there heads!!We got one officer here that has been fired from the houlton police department for abusing his badge and the maliseet tribe in the same town hires him!!Go figure!!