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Everything posted by davetucker

  1. nice craftmanship! Thats to bad someone has to be that inconsiderate in the state of the econamy!! If it wasn't so close to christmas i would buy it for my son who loves to collect knives!! I also can't see (i'm not a knive collector) spending that kind of money on a knive!! Don't get me wrong that is a beautiful piece of work there and i am sure it is WELL worth the money being asked!!Good luck and maybe if i were you and someone ordered a piece like that i would ask for half down or something!!
  2. very sweet hunt steve!! The rut here was really inactive this yr!!
  3. davetucker

    Hey Beilgard!!

    a good man ought to be recognised(sp) every once in awhile!
  4. and can you believe chef ramsey says there is a difference between your lobsters and the ones off our coast(maine)!!Is there any truth to this??
  5. davetucker

    I made it

    ya the times at the airports are always an ordeal now a days!!Good luck coming home!!!
  6. I second that!! My step dad has got an Arisaka in 308(i think!! it may be 30-06)But he loves the rifle and shoots really smooth!!As for the worth i have no idea!!!Wouldn't even take a guess!!
  7. I'd run as fast as i could get back there!!I bought the wifes a-bolt(25-06) for 850!! And if that thing is semi-custom than it would be worth even more!! If you don't want it i will send you the cash and you send it to me!! I will send you verifacation from the ffl dealer here that i ain't no timothy mcvay or anything ...LOL!!
  8. LOL!!I'd shoot alot less!!!Not a bone freak would love to hunt just for big bone but in my area it is alot harder to hunt just for bone especially if you LOVE to eat venison steaks!!!
  9. what a cool story, congrats to you both!!
  10. i guess you done collected some bone there!!What a great story and a truly remarkable endind!!Congrats!!!
  11. SWEETTTTTTTTTTT!!!!Now that's how you make some memories!!
  12. can't find the picture on here or your website!!Son was excited about your leopard and wanted to read about it!!
  13. Man i hear ya!!Maine used to be known not for the over abundance but for big bodieed deer!!I ahve hunted and hunted hard this yr in both seasons(bow now rifle) and have seen 4 deer and three were doe and never got a crack at the buck!!!We only have till saturday to be productive and than were screwed!!!I wish the state would close gun season for 3yrs to only 2 wks instead of all month!!We need to get our herd back whatever we do!!
  14. go get em strut!!Hope you bag a booner!!!
  15. they aught to have their fingers cut the **** off!!!I truely 100% feel they should!!!It is that way in other countries!!A theif is considered to me as a useless coward who deserves to lose one finger everytime he/she steals something!!
  16. everything!!I hate to spend money on anything other than hunting and fishing!!
  17. your season sounds like mine except i haven't even fired a shot!! The hunting here this yr is gabage!!It has been really warm so thats not good either!! Hope it turns around for you!!
  18. ya do it you could be a rich man!!NOT!!!LOL!!!!
  19. Thats just it !!I really respect your opinion but i disagree on the shooting anything part!!! I love deer meat and have eatin it all my life!! To bag a nice deer for the freezer is always a plus for the wallet at my household!!! In the past couple of yrs i have not had to buy a single pack of red meat all throughout the winter!!If maine had that quality of deer and the deer population to be able to go out and pick and choose than yes i wouldn't just bag the first buck that walks by!!! But for meat sakes for now i will take the first deer i see whether it's a spike or a swamp buck!!In northern maine they didn't even give any doe tags out this yr!! We can't be picky here i been hunting now for 3 wks and have seen two doe!! In most places like ill,indiana,iowa,montana,everywhere but maine you can go out everyday and atleast see a doe a day!!
  20. now that is the truth!!!I love to hear stuff like this from people with alot of hunting knowledge!!!
  21. wow what a great memorie for your first deer!!Congrats young fellow!!And the question is how old are you and is that a 30-30(that would be my first guess with your age)
  22. LORD, How come i have to live in maine when there are much better places that have much much more deer!!LOL!!!Congrats on a nice first deer hope your hooked!!
  23. tastey tastey tastey!!!!I bet them loins have already hit the grill