Thats just it !!I really respect your opinion but i disagree on the shooting anything part!!! I love deer meat and have eatin it all my life!! To bag a nice deer for the freezer is always a plus for the wallet at my household!!! In the past couple of yrs i have not had to buy a single pack of red meat all throughout the winter!!If maine had that quality of deer and the deer population to be able to go out and pick and choose than yes i wouldn't just bag the first buck that walks by!!! But for meat sakes for now i will take the first deer i see whether it's a spike or a swamp buck!!In northern maine they didn't even give any doe tags out this yr!! We can't be picky here i been hunting now for 3 wks and have seen two doe!! In most places like ill,indiana,iowa,montana,everywhere but maine you can go out everyday and atleast see a doe a day!!