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Everything posted by davetucker

  1. wow is all i can say!!No wait you have to hear this one!! Last week i was at the range with my two boys target shooting and a guy pulled in that we all knew!! He got out like he had something that we just couldn't wait to see!!! He said he had an easily 1000 yrd rifle!!Couldn't wait to see it right,,lol, out comes this little h&r single shot 220 swift!!LMAO!! But i just let him boast since i knew nothing of this caliber!! I thought maybe it might travel that far being a little lead and all but will it be worth anything when it got there was the question??Not to steal your thread just reminded me of this!!Nice rifle you got there!!
  2. nice deer hope you get better soon!
  3. great deer can't wait to hear the story!!!
  4. how could you forget!!I was nagging at my dad to go hunting!!He had to work that day and he was working as a skidder operator at the time! After enough he took me to work and i sat on the pile all morning like it was a tree stand or something and here comes dad waving like crazy,had me hop in the skidder and we went back in the woods and there he was 100 yrds down the trail just waiting for that 30-30 bullet!! 4 points 147 lbs and i was happier then a pig in a pig pen!!
  5. i used my 270 for open fields and 45-70 for in the bush!!Last yr after my bear hunt my 270 wouldn't quit group right so it just came back from the gunsmith and still not good!!No time for a new scope since season opens in the a.m. so i guess the new lucky charm will be the browning a-bolt 25-06 for open field and the 45-70 chainsaw for the bush!!Love my pro-hunter 45-70!!!
  6. looks to me like yo have a really bad wild animal problem and i could be of some assistance to you for a small fee!!!LMAO!!!
  7. wow what a nice piece of decor for the wall!!140lbs though,here a bucks with that kind of bone would go well over 250!!Congrats griz!!
  8. my grandfather always got his deer every year and some nice wall hangers(granted it was in the 60's)but he would go sit on a hardwood ridge under a big ole tree and smoke his pall mall nonfilters and it never failed him!!! I use scentblocker and scentlok both!! They both are so similar there (to me) is no difference!! Big deer get big for a reason it's called smarts!!
  9. i was thinking the same thing buckee!!!lol
  10. kathleen you are one lucky ladie!!Glad your alright!!
  11. i hear ya also!!There is this one farm thats probably 750 acres owned between 3 different landowners and you might get permision from one for one part and not the other but some ignorant people take it that they can go on all of the farm!!This is one of the hottest funnels from canada around and alot of big deer been taken there!! Now(thank god)the landowners got together and gated the property!!
  12. realtree of course in hardwoods or the ap stuff depends on what i'm hunting around that day!!
  13. I hate to invite myself BUT!!!With this yrs deer harvest here in maine looking really slim this yr i was looking to put some meat in my freazer maybe in an out of state hunt!!!I am looking to hunt somewhere in the east withing 12 -18 hrs drive from me!!!I am willing to bow hunt,shotgun,rifle,or even muzzleloader!!My dad lives in pa and does not hunt so if possible would like to come there!!He doesn't even know where and what is legal!!He lives in bucks county!!I don't drink,do drugs,stay up late ect...I would appreciate any and all advise/offers!!!
  14. thanks a million william(if i remember right) i always loved the great people in here!!Only if the world had more of the people like you all in it!!THANKS!!!
  15. these nasty creatures are killing our deer herd here in maine!! The total take this yr here in maine is supposably gonna be 11,000 less this yr!!You used to see a couple good bucks and a ton of doe a night but you can go 3-4 days without even seeing a doe!! Horrible!!!
  16. That would be great if i could get my old account !! When my old computer crashed and burned i also lost all my pics and stuff!! On my old account i had some good pics and stuff!!!
  17. steve i just posted on your catch a dream thread!! Way to be a man!!God will sure reward you for all you do!!And ya that money kept us really busy and gave us quit a bit of work this winter also!!Thamks for the warm welcome!!
  18. way to go steve!! You always seem to be doing good for someone!!If you don't remember me i was around awhile ago by the name of davet!!
  19. god love my wife!! She bought me a rifle three yrs ago for christmas not knowing anything about them!!She went to a local gun store and they took her for a 770 in 30-06!! For a cheapy the guns trigger is good and is really accurate!!I shoot alot of ammo through it and it has never done me wrong But it's NOT my t/c,browning,rem.700xcr!!If it's your price range and it shoulders you alright go for it!!!
  20. Well some of you might remember me by the name davet!!Work has been really crazy this past summer with all the goverment stimulus money our family construction buisness has been overloaded!!I got a new computer and upgraded our internet service!!When i did i lost all my passwords and when i would request my passwords they were all sent to my old e-mail(which i can't access)!!So i tried this hopefully i will still be able to chat!!Great to be back sure did miss the commeradarie(sp)happy hunting aznd congrats on the game already tagged!!
  21. been awhile!! Man has this summer been crazy!!! The economy might be bad but our buisness is doing great!! To good actually!! Have had to work 90+ hrs this spring and summer!!This is first wkend we've been able to take all summer!! Missed the 4th (around here is a big shindig) and the crappy whole summer!! So how have you all been???
  22. your on our churches prayer list!!!hope all is well!!
  23. Thanks guy and gals!! Will do!! I am not really all that familar with any sort of gunsmithing!! I can set a scope and clean my guns but to take apart and do anything to it is beyond me!!But checking the rings i think i can handle!! Kathleen, thanks for your regards!! Winter was a really busy winter for work and our childrens activities!! All in all it was a good winter!! Did alot of snowmobiling and skiing!! I hope all is well with you also!