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Everything posted by davetucker

  1. here in houlton maine they are sold at hannafords for 4.99 and a guy on the streets is selling them for 3.99!!And there not really that bad quality either!!
  2. nice ram!!!i would be astetic about a hunt like that!!!
  3. Randy when do you think the rut is gonna start?LOL!!Hopefully before doubleA gets there!!Congrats in advance doubleA!!!You earned that hunt!!Randy hopefully god will reward you for your generosity(sp)!!
  4. Thats awesome info cuz i been hitting the wheeze like crazy with no luck!!It has been the primos buck roar with wheeze!!Glad to get the good advise!!
  5. Way to go!!Nice buck!!And you earned it!!Not to change the subject but what religion do you preach??
  6. Not to hijack this thread but what are the chances at getting drawn in montana or any other state that has a draw system!!
  7. Anyone from ohio want to meet a fellow forum member??LOL!!!!
  8. davetucker

    please help

    I got size 11 sorry!!Might want to give people an idea of what cheap is for you!!I got a pair of scentbloker dream season pro knee boots!!And them are for sale but need 100 tyd!!
  9. Today here in maine is the predicted day for the rut to kick in!!!I am going to burry myself in a hardwood ridge along with a can call for the next two wks!!!Go ahead an try it,i'd also combo in a rattle bag and see what happens!!!The rut is when they are the most challenging!!When they hear both they will think theres more bucks after this doe and want in!!Thats my opinion anyways!!!
  10. Anything special!!Hey thats a nice buck!!
  11. Kenny don't beat yourself up!!!You did all you can do!!The woods are they're homes!!They can hide in a blown down tree or anywheres!!Maybe it will inturn get you another chance at a better buck!!
  12. Would it hurt to move it around?Like i said i just gained control of this property yesterday!!I have hunted it last yr but not hard!!There is hardly any pressure in there and the signs of deer are unbelievable!!So like i said i really haven't pin pointed a spot yet!!The best thing i have come up with(or the obvious)is that they are coming out of a really thick hardwood ridge!!It is way to thick for a treestand but was wondering what sitting next to a tree and trying to take cover would do for a person!!Anyways we got this wk and the next two wks left i think i will take the last two wks off and hit it hard!!Thanks in advance for all the help!!
  13. It does seem like every nice recordable buck taken has some (or rumors)that it is illegal!!Or some people can make some damaging stories up because of jealousy!!Until all facts are displayed and there is a judgement made by a judge the hunter has my congrats!!
  14. congrats john!!I am having the same problem getting in and out of my stands!!I can get to them alot faster through an adjacent property line but the out of stater who bought it won't let you step foot on his ground!!But yesterday guess were he was??Hunting my land!!HUH isn't that funny!!!I won't lower myself to his standards!!Anyways congrats john!!
  15. I am hunting a nice piece of property with lots of activity going on!!! My first question is about a ground blind!!!I was baffled about how to aproach the orchard were all the signs of deer are!!I was trying to find a big enough tree to get into with my climber!!So the wife has always wanted a portable hunting blind and we bought one on our brake today!!So my question is if deer have not seen it before(we did try to hide it alittle) and we just put it out this afternoon will the deer be spooked just by seeing it there!The people that i asked before buying it say it won't!!! Now second question is!!!Who actually 100% believes in scent bloker!!!I bought the whole outfit(pants,jacket,shirt,mask,gloves,and boots!!) while i was bear hunting!!Have done all the possible stuff that they say to get the full effects!!It seems though the deer are winding me!! Well i wishi could show you all this new piece of land i have accuired!!I am very baffled about were to set up and were to hunt morning and nights!!There is alot of apples!!There are trails(and i mean beat down trails),beddings,poop,and even some scrapes in the woods!!There is just so many signs and no sightings that it would baffle the most experiences hunters!!
  16. Just another way for the activists to win something over on us!!!Our ancestors have been doing it for generations!!!They never had worries!!This world needs to take a look at some of the new technological ways of thinking!!Sure has nothing to do with lead!!!I cut around the shot anyways!!IDIOTS!!!
  17. I have a new 700xcr 300wsm RMEF!!I took it to the range and it had great shooting accuracy!! The range however only has 90yrd range!I sat it up 2 inches high at that range!!Well yesterday we took a short lunch brake and found a spot we could take a 300 yrd shot!!The target we had and the set up was crappy!!Well needless to say i'm glad i never seen anything shootable yesterday!!I never even hit at 300 so i moved to 100 and was high!!The target was small and i was shakey!!I will go to the range at lunch tomorrow!!!Am having high hopes it was me rushing the shots and not adding in the 2 inches high!!Overall the 700's are a great smooth shooting rifle!!It topped off with a nikon prostaff it should work good!!(I think yesterday was all me)!
  18. ya and we used to be the richest country in the world!!Now were the poorest!!!Something needed to change!!(even though i did vote Mcain/palin)!!I truly think(regardless of all the bad press)palin could have gotten us out of the rut were in!!
  19. IMHO i have seen other things posted in here because they get viewed more!!And like i said IMHO some get moved and some don't!!I don't want to get anyone heated up but one day i posted something to get more viewing and it got moved!!That same day another forums member also posted something that had a different topic(for this room) was not moved!!I don't mean to start any arguments but it's jusy how i feel!!!
  20. Wow i still haven't got a deer as big as that!!Congrats on a pig!!!
  21. Hey gw!!When i was a youngin i chose to go down some pretty shaky roads!!But in the last 13 yrs(i'm only 31)i have grown up and been a law abidding citizen!!But let me tell you friend i'll be with you as a criminal!!
  22. John the people here on the forums are good people such as yourself!!In saying that at your disgression(sp) post your address and let us send you some cards of support!! Guys this is a fellow hunter in need!!!He is not a poacher or a wild man with a get em down if there brown(white)kinda guy!!Lets show him some real sportsman support here!!If them anti-hunting activists can support themselves atleast lets stand behind what we believe!!