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Everything posted by Scbasshunter

  1. Found him!!!! Ok, I don't see why people are bringing up last year and then making comments like "There wasn't much of an effort." The old saying goes: If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all. I get the feeling that some people on here are super hunter, Ted Nugent wannabes, but some of us are in it for the fun and the challenge. I think it sad that there are people in here that can't just say good job and be happy for somebody. I get on here to learn and get advice about hunting, not to be put down. If you think you are the greatest thing to walk the woods, go join a television show. Consider this my last post on this forum. Absolutely rediculous.
  2. Back in a tree today. Found him!
  3. Found him!!!! They said it was 75 yards.
  4. A couple guys who hunt where I hunt went back in and found the buck I shot the other day. Going Monday to pick up the antlers!!!
  5. Thinking of getting one to film a hunt this year. Has anybody used one? How do they hold up? Do they affect the shot? Are they loud?
  6. Bowhunting Sale - Dick's Sporting Goods The Dick's here is always lacking in the hunting department. Never been impressed with it. Plus they have Duck Dynasty crap all over the place. Getting old.
  7. Martin bows. All of the reviews that I read and watch say they are loud.
  8. Are Martins a reputable brand? I know I see them a lot on Amazon for decent prices but have heard mixed reviews. I'm thinking if upgrading after this season.
  9. Back in a tree today. Already tried a dog. Didn't work. Cut my losses and will get back out there when does are in season.
  10. Back in a tree today. Didn't find anymore blood. He must have gotten in the creek and clotted it up.
  11. Back in a tree today. Never found him. On top of that, I can only shoot 1 buck per season and that counts, so does only for me for now on which means I can't hunt again until Sept 15. Also, the $8 lighted nock on the arrow was broken when I found it.
  12. Back in a tree today. Lost blood. The last drop we found was a drop about the size of a quarter along of a drop of foamy blood about the same size.
  13. Back in a tree today. The arrow did not break. By the time we found the arrow there was blood from one end to the other.
  14. Back in a tree today. Can't see the picture in my phone. It was his right side of his neck a couple inches above his shoulder, not quite straight on.
  15. Back in a tree today. Yes. It does seem like he was circling. I'll probably go look around where they came from before I shot him. I just don't have it in me after this to find another spot to hunt and climb in 90+ degree temps. I would hunt that stand again but I'm sure that spot is busted for at least a week.
  16. Back in a tree today. We found the arrow about half way through the search.
  17. Back in a tree today. Pretty hard angle. It should have come out the back side of the opposite side rib cage. The way we followed him it looked as though he was going in a big circle.
  18. Back in a tree today. He was quartered to me not quite straight on. I watched a hunting show the other day and a guy had the exact same shot. I put it right where he did, it just didn't come out the side.
  19. Back in a tree today. About 20 yds away. It went about half of the arrow in. Grim reaper razor tip. It must have hit 1 lung because we found lung blood and frothy foamy blood.
  20. Back in a tree today. There is nobody else around here and to be honest I don't really feel comfortable walking around the swamp by myself.
  21. Back in a tree today. Oh, I forgot to mention, I watched my lumenock sail right over the back of a buck about 20 minutes before I shot that one.
  22. Back in a tree today. I hit him in the neck. He was quartered to me. I waited about an hour before I started looking. I don't too much care to go wandering around the swamps by myself, especially since I am the only one here and don't have good if any cell service out there.
  23. Back in a tree today. Saw 8 bucks. Shot an 8pt in velvet. Followed blood for about 300 yards into the swamp but never found him. Kind of takes the hunting wind out of me.
  24. I'll be back in a tree today in a few hours. Nice rub right by the pile of corn that was put out for me. Had to put a climber out to play the wind but hopefully get out early enough to climb slowly and not be drenched in sweat.
  25. I know that when it rains it washes your scent away or at least minimizes it. What do y'all think it does while hunting? Y'all think it may help mask your scent some or make no difference?