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Everything posted by Scbasshunter

  1. Won't be long! P.S. - My wife is due with our first child in December so I don't know that I'm going to be doing much traveling to hunt and leaving her home alone between September and December. Should I even bother with the bow this year or just rifle or shotgun hunt on the 2 day weekends that we can both get down there to hunt (The land I hunt happens to be her father in laws farm.)?
  2. Archery season starts here in SC in just over a month and I haven't done a thing to prepare. I haven't even touched my bow since last season. Anybody in the same boat or any advice on how to play catch up real quickly!???
  3. If I buy a couple of bags of corn now, will it still be good and bring deer in in August?
  4. Last day is tomorrow:( Today is the last day here in SC. My wife and I were blessed Friday evening with a doe and an 8pt (wife's first buck) right at dark. The buck came out 10 minutes after I dropped a doe. I had to take the rifle out to get some meat in the freezer.
  5. Scbasshunter

    27 years

    27 years Now that I think about it, sounds sketchy. 27 years? Really?
  6. Scbasshunter

    27 years

    27 years Shooting a doe with a bow is just as exciting. Keep at it. Is it without a trophy buck or any buck at all?
  7. Outdoor shows What do you mean? Music right before the shot, silence during the shot, then music again?
  8. Need some help, ASAP! Well, had 4 deer walk out in the field tonight. Dropped a 115lbs. doe at 125yds. Ten minutes later my wife shot a 125lbs. 8pt. The buck only went about 30yds. into the swamp.
  9. Need some help, ASAP! Yeah, I don't know why it won't post. I figure go in the woods instead of food plots is going to be the best bet.
  10. Pretty much it. It runs from the line between the 2 fields at the top to the thick oaks running down the right side and along the bottom.
  11. Need some help, ASAP! I will be hunting both AM and PM, if it makes a difference.
  12. I've got 1 deer in the freezer and a handful of times left to hunt this year. I have been hunting over food plots but seeing no deer. Where should I setup to see some deer? I have a climber so I can probably setup anywhere.
  13. Ladder stand height for bow hunting. The reason I would be moving it each month is because where I hunt, I have "area 3" say in August, then "area 4" in September. It switches back and forth each month. I was thinking of just getting a stand for each area and leaving it in case I didn't feel like climbing sometimes. I am getting the idea that a 14ft stand would be plenty high as long as I have cover.
  14. Ladder stand height for bow hunting. I mostly climb pine trees since all I have is a climber and its the easiest and safest to climb. I go up about 15 or 20 since I rarely have cover and haven't been busted yet this year. With a ladder stand I should be able to put it in other trees with cover. Also, if I move the stand once a month (switch between 2 areas each month) will that hurt me seeing deer in bow range?
  15. I am looking to put a couple ladder stands up next year cause frankly, sometimes I don't feel like climbing with a climber. Is 12-14ft high enough for bow hunting? I try to get at least 15ft up with my climber, but the ladder stands I am willing to pay for aren't quite that high. Does it make a difference in the height if the stands have been out a couple of months as opposed to that day?
  16. Fletching and blade alignment. I had somebody tell me it would improve accuracy and the flight of the arrow. It really seems like too much trouble to be honest.
  17. Do you line your broadhead blades up with your fletchings or not? Do you think it makes a difference either way?
  18. new bow A guy offered me a Matthews Z7 package for my Jon boat on Craigslist last month. It was hard to pass it up, but can't pay bills with a bow. Haha! I thought about it though.
  19. Confidence or wind. I use a climber so moving when the wind changes is not an option. I also hunt a lot of places where deer could come from anywhere so it's hard not to hunt a stand even if the wind isn't perfect.
  20. Would you rather hunt a stand that you are confident in but has a bad wind direction or a stand that has the right wind but you don't really have much confidence in?
  21. I guess it's time to let her hunt alone Good luck! Safety harness!
  22. Tough Season, Just Me? All the deer I have seen have been within bow range. Even drew on what I thought was a doe but turned out to be a button once he got into range. I haven't seen any does since Sept. I thought it would be easy hunting does, since I usually see so many of them. Guess that's a good sign of bucks to come in a few years...
  23. Tough Season, Just Me? I haven't been seeing much and what I have seen have been buttons and spikes. I'm all bucked out, so does only for me for now on. I'll be hitting food plots the rest of the year.
  24. AM vs. PM. Much easier to track I would imagine.
  25. AM vs. PM. I'm with billkay on this one. I just don't feel like getting up that early. I get up at 4:30am for work, don't want to do it on my days off also. I just get a better feeling in the evenings as well.