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Everything posted by dartonman

  1. The reporter was sure worried about poor Randy's love life...lol........great video.............let me know when you guys get to Illinois again..........al
  2. I took a few of the raccoons with the cellphone....those things can sleep through anything.....I put one really large boar in the scope from the 17hmr, and watched him sleep......if he was in season, he would of had a permanent nap indeed. Never in my life had I come across so many raccoons asleep in trees in the open....totally weird., but I guess when hides were only bringing 5.00 dollars and less, nobody puts em on the ground in the large woods I hunt. al
  3. Most of the Winstead family is fighting the sinus flu thing going around....so, being the supportive person I am., I stocked them up with chicken noodle soup, and warm tea....and headed for the woods for a couple hours to try and shoot some squirrels for dinner. Well, that didn't happen. I learned that raccoons in Illinois are in their prime time breeding phase, found (7) sleeping out in the open in forks of trees, or chasing each other (NOT IN SEASON) for their good luck., and apparently when the largest bald eagle I have ever seen in my life sits in a tree over you, its not only intimidating for you...but for the squirrels. Rec'd a call from the wife into my wonderful hunt, and was told to return home to help out with the sick ones. I really did enjoy the few hours I got out, followed tons of deer trails looking for sheds, treerats are in season till Febuary 15th....who knows..maybe Ill get out again. al
  4. Share the number....Im sure they would hard freeze it, and ship it anywhere....come on fellow hunter...........let us know your secret spot............al
  5. dartonman

    Hijack thread...

    A school teacher once told me "Education begins when the bell rings".....al
  6. Man...I must be old school......I use 3 inch shells (Remington 4x6 duplex) and sometimes Federal #5 shot turkey loads in a Mossberg 500 with a green dot on the front, and an x full turkey choke, and it knocks them to the ground, and they dont move......switch to a good load, maybe only an xfull choke instead of xxxfull, and only shoot 3 inch for better control..........your Mossberg can be a killing machine when combined with the right stuff............al
  7. Prayers sent Matt.......if you need anything, you let me know......if you dont get an answer at first, leave me a message on my cell....Ill sleep this morning, and be up this afternoon if you want to meet up........al
  8. If you can let me take a pic of her with my paintball guns....I think ole Jim (JJL) would be proud of my business efforts..........very nice looking young lady.............al
  9. Prayers from Illinois........al
  10. Hey fellow bird chasers....if you could please read my thread in the lounge titled the same, it would greatly be appreciated. PotashRLS is getting items together to take youth in Wisconsin hunting, and the kids need simple things, like old camo, calls, facemasks, etc....thank you and God Bless. al
  11. We have the Linksys Wireless-G 24 ghz one, and it runs the phones, computer, tv and xbox 360 live with no issues.............al
  12. This has to be the funniest thread I have ever had hijacked..........OMG...dont read these threads folks and have a drink in hand.....lol.............al
  13. OMG......I just spilled my coffee.....I love the part where you say "dont say I didnt do anything for you AL.."...lol............al
  14. He was a nice guy to my kids in person....short and stocky is how I would describe him......but he does have a bit of arrogance, depending on how many people are standing around....he let his guard down and sat on the ground with my kids, they had a great time with him............al
  15. I, along with my wife and kids run a portable paintball business, and last year was our first season, and it went AWESOME....we play woodsball and X ball or speedball, have fields at a local skateboard park, and have enough bunkers and plastic barrels to take the adventure to you.....I need a small catch phrase for my new business cards....I am at a lost for ideas...so in a short phrase, please help me with something to put on my cards. We have hosted anywhere from cancer fund raisers, quite a few birthday parties, and lots of great church youth groups....any and all ideas for a small "original" catch phrase for my cards PLEASE. My website is in my signature if it helps you with your idea...thanks gang. al
  16. I would take the 20 guage barrel to Gander Mountain, and for as little as 30 bucks probably have it threaded out for choke tubes....I plan on doing it this week to one.........you can get more barrels, but the average is 79.00 and shipping your receiver.....take his 20 guage barrel somewhere, just the barrel and have it threaded..........al
  17. do you have a link perhaps............for us old guys..........al
  18. Thanks buddy....Ill try and locate one....a #5 Awesome....al
  19. Sure does put a light at the end of every tunnel now doesn't it...al
  20. Dan....looks like you got your pretty truck in out of the snow...lol....al
  21. Looking to carry on my tree rat adventures a wonderful shooting semi auto (Smith and Wesson Model 422) in .22 caliber....wondering any ideas on getting an inexpensive nylon paddle holster to wear, or if you guys have one sitting around collecting dust, or the best deals you have found on the web.....thanks gang, and God Bless America. al
  22. Speaking from my wifes experience as an Emergency room nurse, who tried to bring back to life a bank robber....well...three shots upper chest with a .40 caliber from the police officer.......she confirms its a fine weapon, that had a tight group, and large exit holes....I do not feel sorry for people robbing people....shoot something you can control, and will bet your life on every time....We need concealed carry in Illinois...............al
  23. Great looking doe buddy....kudo's to you for harvesting her.....al
  24. 13 arrows for 20 bucks.....this is a great deal......al
  25. The date will be on the top ring of the tank, Im sure its fine.....I have to inventory...looks like a good deal for someone for sure....al