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Everything posted by wtnhunt

  1. Welcome to the forums. Sounds like you got a great deal. And thanks for the reminder. Accidents sure happen quick. Had a fall Saturday myself when pulling down old canvas from a 2 person stand/blind. Was a wasp nest between sandwiched layers of canvas that were behind the stand between it and the large oak the stand leans against. Have mild but not life threatening allergic reactions with stings, so did not want to get stung. Wasps came straight at my face and with split second reaction time to avoid getting stung opted to bail. Had me trying to hurry down the ladder, but missed grabbing the top rung and fell about 12 ft upright, fall got broken somewhat by my right leg hitting a small tree on the way down. Got a little banged up shin took the brunt, but luckily don't think anything got broken. Had I been attached, I would surely have gotten stung and likely would have gotten banged up pretty good against the ladder. Seems the falls I have had over the past have been when working on stands and not when hunting, some of those times have been when it would be impossible to utilize a safety harness. Not too long back was hanging a stick ladder and was connected to a big game treestands brand of lifeline, caught me like it was supposed to.
  2. wtnhunt

    Deer Contest

    Got you added, you are on team 3.
  3. Dems new and ultimate goal is to attempt to hamstring Trump for the 2020 election by drawing out this impeachment mess that Adam Schiff and several others started spewing the day after the 2016 election. Biden and his son been exposed, why aren't they calling for investigations into that corruption. All political!
  4. DISCLAIMER This is a COMPLETELY UNOFFICIAL CONTEST. The 2019-2020 RT Forum Members Deer Contest is a contest created and operated independently by RT forum members and is not officially sanctioned or managed by Realtree or Jordan Enterprises It's time for the Annual deer contest, before you sign-up make sure you read and understand ALL the rules. DEER ENTRY DEADLINE - Contest will run from the opening of the first legal deer season until February 28th, 2020. At midnight on February 28th, 2020 the contest will be closed to further entries. ELIGIBLE ENTRIES Any deer taken in the 2019-2020 deer season. That includes muley, whitetails, blacktails and cous deer. Both does and bucks are eligible for entry. Deer may be taken however legal way chosen (bow, shotgun, rifle, etc... motor vehicles not allowed. SCORING 5 points for a deer. Buck or Doe. 1 additional point will be added for every point on a rack of 1 inch or more. Participant score will consist of 1 deer. If you are allowed to shoot more than 1 deer you may upgrade your score by submitting the new deer, this will cancel out your previous deer. INSTRUCTIONS FOR ENTERING A DEER To submit an entry a participant must include in the 2019-2020 RT Forum Deer Contest - ENTRY thread... your screen name, the number of tines that are 1 inch or longer (main beam counts), your team name. A photo of himself/herself with the deer, Photo must show the entire front half of the deer or more - this is to avoid any possible accusations concerning people entering mounts. NOTE 1: This picture HAS to show both the deer AND THE HUNTER, pics of only the deer will not be counted. Photo must show the entire front half of the deer or more. NOTE 2: Picture of just the caped out head, skull plate, or skull mount will not be counted Photo(s) where all scorable tines can be seen in. If 1 inch tine is questionable supply a photo with a measurement against the tine for verification. A photo of legal tag: This is a MUST, no deer will be entered without a clear picture of the tag. Make sure the picture can be read in the picture. NOTE 1: The tag picture has been the #1 reason for entries not being counted in the contest - DON'T FORGET YOUR TAG PICTURE. FOR PARTICIPANTS IN STATES THAT DO NOT HAVE A TAGGING SYSTEM write the following information down on a piece of paper, your forum name, your team name, date deer was taken, state deer was taken in, print and sign your name - scan or take a picture of that info and supply it instead of the tag picture. ** If you have issues with scanning or posting your photos I would be happy to help you out or post them for you, just send me a PM. TIE BREAKERS In case of a tie, I will post pictures of each teams deer harvest in the lounge and let the other forum members decide the most deserving winner through polling. They are free to base their opinions any way they like, highest B&C scores, best youth success stories, etc. PRIZES As of right now there are no prizes. We will recognize the highest scoring team. We will also recognize the Youth (Age 17 and under) with the highest scoring deer. We will recognize a Best of Contest Deer that will be voted on by RT forum members after the February 28th deadline. If and when prizes are posted - only one prize package will be awarded to an individual member. QUESTIONS, COMMENTS, ETC. Please feel free to contact me via PM if you have any questions. If you have any comments, concerns or possible disputes please pm me so that I can look into it and get a decision made on it. Just to forewarn everyone I WILL NOT put up with teams/participants scrutinizing or arguing between each other, if there is an issue bring it to my attention so I can make a decision on it. If I feel there is a need for more than my input on the issue I will bring it in front of the mods to help with the decision. The decision made on a matter is final. If a participant or team wants to try to play out an issue in the open forum and cause problems instead of bringing it to me, I reserve the right to deal with that member/team accordingly. Any participant caught cheating will be removed from the contest and replaced. I reserve the right to remove any participant from the contest for any reason.
  5. Team 1 RangerClay 8 pt = 13 points MCH doe = 10 pt =15 points ODH NSwhitetail 6pt = 11 points hoosierhunter 9 pt = 14 points total 53 Team 2 abrown 13 pt = 18 points Allison the huntress 8 pt = 13 points Mathews XT man 8 pt = 13 points Rhino doe = 11 pt = 16 points Shaun 300 total 60 Team 3 Elkoholic 6 pt = 11 points mrswtnhunt 8 pt = 13 points fly 9 pt = 14 points MaineHntr 7 pt = 12 points I'm your huckleberry total 52
  6. Remember to post pics of your deer with yourself in the photo, as well as tag pic. Everyone have a great season.
  7. wtnhunt

    Deer Contest

    Should be 3 teams total. 2 of them had 4 members and one had 5. Think you were on team 2 Al, but I will go back and check.
  8. Will get you on a team later on Pat. One more would give 3 teams of 5.
  9. wtnhunt

    Deer Contest

    Allright, have teams drawn and posted in the announcement and contest room. Good luck to all.
  10. RangerClay MCH ODH NSwhitetail hoosierhunter
  11. abrown Allison the huntress MathewsXTman Rhino Shaun 300
  12. Elkoholic mrswtnhunt fly MaineHntr I'm your huckleberry
  13. Some beautiful bucks there Al. Hope I am wrong but that last one looks sunk in like he is got something going on with his health.
  14. Names below are already entered Fly Mathews XT Man Maine Hntr elkoholic Shaun 300 NS Whitetail RangerClay abrown mrswtnhunt Allison the huntress
  15. Before signing up please read and understand the rules posted in this room. First of all this is of course an unofficial contest run and moderated by forum members and not sanctioned by the good folks at Realtree/Jordan Outdoor Enterprises etc. There may or may not be prizes awarded at the end, in order to participate you must be a member in good standing with at least 10 posts at the time of the contest start, or member of active military duty with 5 posts. A new member with a consistent regular member vouching for them can also enter. Any questions with regards to post count do not hesitate to ask here or pm me. We reserve the right to disallow any member regardless of post count. This contest is simply an "all-in-fun" thing and if someone is disruptive to either the forums or their teams they will be replaced. Sign-Up will end on Sept 21st, may be extended or may take alternates if need be. At that time I will randomly make up teams (youth hunters will be evenly distributed though) and will have them assembled before the 23rd when I know many states have openers. Additional late teams can still be made up as they are formed, so if you catch this thread after the deadline, by all means sign up anyway. There are always no-shows and we need alternates. REMEMBER YOU ARE EXPECTED TO PARTICIPATE. NO ONE LIKES TO BE STUCK ON A TEAM WITH NO-SHOWS! Once the teams are announced we'll allow about two weeks to check in, so please check back before the end of the month or you will find you have been kicked off the team and to the back of the line. Please sign up below with Name, Screen Name, Age, States to be hunted, and Dates. Names of those from the lounge will be entered, if I miss your name be sure to post in this thread.
  16. wtnhunt

    Deer Contest

    OK, I will take all the names from here and get a sign up posted in the announcement room. Will give it until the 21st for additional members to sign up and then draw x number of teams depending on the numbers.
  17. Reckon robert will lead by example and have his security detail hand over all their "assault rifles", and semi auto sidearms? Hypocrite!
  18. Had a lot of rain here, should be a bumper crop.
  19. Well well well, pulled cards from the 2 cameras I have out this morning and after a months disappearance looks like we have a few bucks back around. I think Allison's little 8 from last year she didn't shoot has made his first cam appearance this year too making his way by 2 cameras on 3 different days. He grew just a little, like I told her he would and he will be the buck I want to try to get her on this fall. Hopefully those you had pics of will be back around and the right one shows up in front of you at the right time Frank.
  20. wtnhunt

    Deer Contest

    Looks like 9 if I am counting right. Catrina said she might participate if our 13 year old could also play but they would have to be on opposite teams.
  21. Don't think Robert o'rourke would have the guts to go to one door of a gun owner and tell them he is taking their guns away despite his arrogance on stage. Big talk from a dope head that should have a felony record disqualifying him. He is the epitome of privileged but acts like he relates to common people. But hey he put to bed a question most of us have known the answer to for a long time, other dems won't admit they want to take your guns. Anyone thinks it is just "assault rifles" they want to confiscate better take their heads out of the sand.
  22. Where I was what I was doing when I heard the initial reports on the radio is etched in my mind like it happened yesterday.
  23. Good to see you around Corey. Hope things are going well for you and your family. Good luck in Colorado.
  24. wtnhunt

    Deer Contest

    Absolutely. Encourage everyone to share their stories and pics.