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Everything posted by wtnhunt

  1. wtnhunt

    Deer Contest

    Looks like 7 of you so far if I am counting right.
  2. Maybe an August lull Frank? Went the entire month of August here without a single buck picture, had a second camera out for about half the month too.
  3. Good luck Dave. Got the yard work done yesterday afternoon, was a nice change seeing temps around 86 with a light breeze and significantly less humidity. Forecast for today looks like Al is sharing the heat with us this afternoon with the humidity also returning, reckon I will limit how much I do outside. Need to spray some fencerows with a mix of gly and 2 4d, and still need to spray clethodim on my clover. Doubt I get to doing any trimming out of the two person stand in the bottom this weekend, but don't need to let it go too long, the young sportsman deer hunt will be here before I know it. I am not even going to hang any of my hang on stands this year, might put a single 16 ft ladder in the same tree I killed my deer from last year for Catrina to hunt if she wants to have a different wind stand for our back field.
  4. Here. lol. Catrina has weekend manager at her nursing home, so just me and my 2 youngest kiddos. Hope to get yard mowed this afternoon after she gets home. Need to do some prep work on some stands at some point but not gonna drag our son out for that. Really mainly two stands I am concerned with having ready for this season are the two person stands.
  5. wtnhunt

    Deer Contest

    Dunno Frank, but I cannot commit myself to being on a team. My hunting time will likely be limited to taking my 13 year old and possibly a few sits with the muzzleloader. Catrina may want to sign up, hoping she will be able to take a week off during our muzzleloader season. I will ask her.
  6. No experience with traditions. Iosso bore paste and a brush might clean up the bore if it needs it Ross.
  7. wtnhunt


    Enjoy it while you can. Reckon aoc and the big brother libtards will be banning pigs right after cows. ?
  8. wtnhunt

    Deer Contest

    Dunno that there will even be 12 different members reply here. If we can get that many here to come in and say they are in for a contest I will get a sign up posted. Regardless everyone have a great and safe season.
  9. wtnhunt

    Deer Contest

    What kind of numbers...... 16 might be a stretch but could give 4 teams of 4. Right now there are 3 of you. Who else would play?
  10. wtnhunt

    Deer Contest

    Been a member here pretty well since the forums started. Been a contest every year as far back as I can recall Frank. I only started running the contest to help when John (redkneck)was not able to continue running it. Before John ran it others stepped up. With the decline in interest and lack of participation I wasn't sure if there would be enough members to even sign up to make it worth it this year. While it's not necessarily too late to have a contest I am doubtful there would be enough members sign up to have but a few teams with a few members on each.
  11. Thanks Martin. Catrina and Allison will help me as much as they can. Allison is excited about getting to hunt that stand. Usually use the loader on the tractor to help with that 2 person stand, pushing it in place would not be much of an issue if not for the cover limbs in front. I may let Catrina mow the yard this afternoon, we'll see how things go. Got some cows taken care of already this morning before it gets too hot. Have a little one to give some shots. Need to go to tsc to pick up a few things then move him and momma cow to another pasture, they are already caught in the round pen though so no chasing.
  12. Still nothing here to really get me motivated. Last pull with 2 weeks from the mineral site had a measly 65 pics, all does and fawns. Did get a cam on the edge of what will eventually become a scrapeline, might pull that card Monday. Gonna try to get a camera over the beans in the bottom this weekend if I can get to spraying those beans.
  13. Big plans anyone? Hoping to get quite a bit done this weekend if I can. Mowing and yardwork, spraying plots, separating some cows and figuring out why our 4 wheeler is still sputtering after rebuilding the carb. Might try to get our two person ladder stand up over the bottom if I can get some help with it, usually put it up by myself but probably shouldn't. Have a couple other stands I would like to get up. Dunno yet if or when our two oldest daughters might get by for the long weekend. Cooked some good food and that usually brings em around, but Christina had already committed to going with her husband and taking the baby and seeing her sister in law in Knoxville Saturday and Sunday. She said they might get by Monday for a visit.
  14. Not sure that is the right link for your post Martin. But yeah, the libs, some of em anyway are very good actors, so much so I think they have fooled themselves into falling for their hoooey. Far as the link goes, maybe wally world could start contributing some of its charitable donations to a cause that reaches out to troubled teens at high risk for violence and promote "seeing something and saying something" to kids.
  15. AMEN! Completely agree with everything Mike says.
  16. Hope it is s sweet shooter for you Shaun. Heard good things about the .280, but have heard kinda mixed opinions on the 7400's. No first hand experience with either.
  17. Sorry to hear that Lewis. He was a pretty dog. Real shame ticks, mosquitoes, and other parasites cause so much loss and pain. Heartworms here are a huge concern.
  18. Lots to do and little drive to do it right now. Last couple weekends have had blood pressure bottom out after just a couple hours being outside. Cardiologist doubled my bp meds earlier this week and told me no restrictions but then says no heavy lifting and keep heart rate under 100. ? A lot of stuff needs fixed around here, seems like I fix one thing three more break down. Waiting on parts for our Honda Foreman so I can rebuild the carb, float is sticking. Wasn't ever able to fix the driveshaft on my 7ft heavy duty bushhog, gonna have to take it to someone but no idea who. Clover needed mowed weeks ago and probably needs sprayed with clethodim. I may hook up the leaky light weight 6 ft howse mower and fill the gearbox. It should hold long enough to mow the acre of clover. Need to respray the soybeans in the bottom, the freaking pigweed is in the beans. Need to mow the yard and do regular yard work if it dries out enough. Have some washes in the driveway I need to fix again. Probably gonna take the family and go visit our 18 year old at college tonight. Our early archery velvet hunt is going on I think. I may make it back to check the one camera I have out.
  19. wtnhunt

    CVA Wolf.

    Good luck with it. Have a couple cva accura's been pretty happy with them. We shoot loose triple 7 from ours, different charges though.
  20. Better luck next year, maybe. lol. Winner for the TN elk raffle was someone from Indiana.
  21. Yeah, dunno. A LOT of conflicting information out there but the general consensus seems to be to not eat deer that have cwd and some hysteria has led to the notion to not eat deer at all. TN warns to not eat infected deer in accordance with the cdc. Question is how do you know a deer is infected without having them tested. A deer may have cwd for years and show zero symptoms. We are not YET in a cwd zone, but it is very close, being in the county just south of us, and suspect there is a likelihood the zone will be expanded this year. Having a deer tested at this point would be somewhat inconvenient for us since we do not do deer processors but rather process our own. We/I spend a lot of time on processing our deer and take care that we trim away parts we don't want to eat. I can see it now, keeping a deer in a cooler on ice for 10 days to 2 weeks prior to spending the time for processing just to confirm whether it is cwd positive or negative. Then comes some questions I have on just how they sample, best as I know you have to take a head where brain tissue can be tested. A trip to a cwd zone with a head from a deer you want mounted to have them collect the sample and then a trip back to recover your head is just not convenient. Has to be a better way.............
  22. Good to see you back around Al. Sorry to hear the high number of dead deer, that is a shame. Dunno here if there has been an above average number of die offs or not. There have been plenty of buzzards around circling the bottoms though. Weather has been another of those years that we saw way above average precipitation making for horrible issues with parasitic insects, might be a reason for the rise in ehd.
  23. wtnhunt


    Certain I have some damage. Worked in a shop with loud compressors that ran pretty constant with low level drum, and used saws and air tools regularly(impacts, and air chisels were probably the loudest). Listened to loud music regularly back then in my truck as well. Then worked in a factory for about five years running a pretty loud production line, they checked our hearing at least once a year and I always passed the test but kind of wonder how. I do try to use some type hearing protection these days if I can remember before I start working. Muffs in the 105+ heat index are just not convenient or very comfortable. Have found that foam backer rod in a pinch will do the trick when running saws, or driving t posts to deaden the level. Honestly think the t posts driving is harder on the ears than a lot of tools. Grinder or saw cutting steel are others that I try to remember to use something when I know I am going to be using them. Here lately been using a pair of bluetooth earbuds when running the tractors, does not cancel the sound but if they are in the ears snug enough they do definitely decrease how much of the tractor noise gets through. When shooting I do use protection, but never when hunting. Toooo many times have had my ears alert me to something coming. Be it the crows cawing or squirrels barking, nice to be able to hear those clues to get you ready and checking that direction.
  24. Whichever pair I find that are handy. Have 2 pair of howard leight amplified noise cancelling muffs, usually use those for the kids when I have them shooting. Have a pair of silencio and winchester standard muffs.
  25. Bet most who would know about Bill's involvement are either also dead or very well paid to keep quiet.