For anyone that applies as a NR in New Mexico and have not heard about the proposed changes to the tag allocations, please read below. This information is from the Huntin' Fool magazine. There is a link at the bottom where you can go in a voice your opinion and it will be sent to all of the NM Senators. Feel free to do that.
Urgent New Mexico Legislative Action Item
New Mexico Senate Bill SB196 has recently passed the Senate Conservation Committee and is heading to the Senate Fiscal Committee. If it passes in it's current form regular non-resident applicants will be limited to 2% of the total number of tags where guided resident and non-resident hunters may get 8% of the tags for any given hunt! They are also considering implementing the requirement to purchase a non-refundable hunting license to apply which is estimated at $90 for non-residents.
New Mexico currently allocates permits in the antelope, Mule deer, and elk drawing as follows: 78% to residents, 12% to non-residents contracted with an outfitter, and 10% to regular non-resident applicants.
Go to for complete details and to contact the New Mexico Senators with your opinion, comments, and/or concerns about this bill. Please feel free to forward this to any of your hunting buddies or those with interests in New Mexico hunting.
Huntin' Fool Staff
Carter's Hunter Services
Publisher of The Huntin' Fool Magazine
435-865-1020 phone
435-865-1090 fax