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Everything posted by texastrophies

  1. As you all know, tis the season that a few people get behind the wheel when they shouldn't. If you have about 5 minutes to watch this video, even though they are driving on the wrong side of the rode, hopefully it will make some people think before they make that wrong decision. Especially good for those of us with teenagers. http://www.youtube.com/watch_popup?v=Z2mf8DtWWd8
  2. My question is does it keep water out? Either rain water or car wash water?
  3. The one show I make it a point to watch is On Your Own Adventures. Then if I see a show that does not have the hunter setting in a tree stand bow hunting I might watch it also.
  4. Cell only for my son & I. When I moved into the new house, I didn't figure the 3 or 4 calls we were making on the land line at the old house was worth it. Plus, couldn't get DSL at this location. Been this way for about 7 months. Only a couple of times I have wished for a land line and that was when I was trying to get hold of my son while he was texting on his cell. Overall do not regret the decision. Do miss the DSL though.
  5. First, welcome back. Second, WOW, nice bull!!!! Looks almost perfectly symetrical. I like it. I will check out the video & blog a little later. Congrats again.
  6. I just received my copy of the Wyoming Outfitters & Guides Association with the list of all approved guides (I think) in Wyoming. If you want it, pm me your address and I will send it to you.
  7. Or you making fun of me:o:confused::surrender:?
  8. I have the A/C running in my office.
  9. I was simply trying to prove my point that the occaisional misspelled word really isn't that big of a deal. I am surprised that it took that long for someone to catch it.:cowboy:
  10. As an example, this is what you should have written. I know there have been a few on here that have been making fun of me. I don't care what you all think of me. Do you see the differences?
  11. You know, you are right. But there have been many on here that have sincerely tried to help you see the errors in your grammer and try to help you to correct them, but you refuse to accept the help. Being blunt, you use the word "well" way to much, you don't use punctuation in your sentences, heck you don't even really use sentences. Your writing without the use of punctuation and at times bad choices of words makes it difficult to follow your thoughts and understand what you are writing. Everybody will excuse the occasional word spelled wrong, it happens. Please understand this is just the internet and it really does not mean a thing what we think, but, if you do not correct your grammer, later on in real life, it will have a negative impact on you, whether it is in a job search or looking for female companionship (I seem to remember some troubles along those lines a while back). I hope you do not leave us and there are some pretty smart people on here that would not mind helping if you would make the effort, too.
  12. Congrats to both of you. Hopefully you are only about a 1/3 of the way.
  13. Almost as amazing, for once I agree with you.:saber:
  14. It depends on if the FFL that is receiving it will accept it from an individual. I know a lot of them will. The last two guns I bought like that were both sent from an individual to my FFL.
  15. Be careful Kyle. I hear that stuff is contagious. You hug her and it could rub off on you, and then YOU would start liking women, too.:helpsmilie:
  16. Washington NY Giants Oakland Cleveland Green Bay Atlanta San Francisco Chicago Denver Baltimore Over 6.5
  17. Sorry to hear that Gregg, you gottem from me. Hope he has a speed and full recovery.
  18. There is mine, also. Notice the little o on oklahoma, I doubt that was an accident.:toot:
  19. You are right. My bad on the math. On second thought, don't know what you are talking about.
  20. texastrophies

    69 years

    Didn't see where anybody thought to mention it. Thank you to everyone, past & present.
  21. Dallas Tennessee NY Giants Miami Chicago New Orleans Seattle Atlanta Baltimore New England Under 10.5
  22. You were right, bad link. It has been corrected.
  23. Legalizing it will definately increase the death rates on the roads. How many people out there now are scared to try it for fear of getting caught with drugs? Make it legal, and then there is "No Harm" in trying it, because it is legal. Then you just have that many more people using it. To make money off of it sounds like a plan the democrats would come up with. The solution to everything, just tax it. No, the solution is to stiffen the penalties for any use. Anytime there is a failed drug test, which a lot of us that work have to take, it should be reported and the person arrested and sent to jail. Anyone (including stores selling it) caught with drugs or paraphanaliea ( I know I butchered that) same thing, doing time. I know there are flaws in that solution, and it would not stop everyone, but it would be a lot better than what we are doing now or making it legal.
  24. Can't agree with you. Simple question, what are you going to do about the innocent people that are getting killed by the stupid? Just say tough, shouldn't have been in the way? Same scenario as drunk driving, alcohol is legal, but a lot of people die that shouldn't because of it. So, making drugs legal is not the answer, the answer lies with parents raising their children right, only problem there is the parents who are druggies. No easy answer.
  25. If you are planning on applying for elk & antelope in Arizona, you can reduce your upfront cost by buying your license ahead of time and as a bonus this year you can do it online. Here is the link for your 2011 Arizona hunting & fishing license purchases. https://az.gov/app/huntfish/home.xhtml