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Everything posted by Strut10

  1. Makes me wanna puke......................
  2. Isn't it funny (sickening) that it is a crime to deface a dollar bill but NOT a crime to burn the American flag.................................. ???????? From the Dept. of the Treasury, US Bureau of Engraving and Printing: Defacement of Currency Defacement of currency is a violation of Title 18, Section 333 of the United States Code. Under this provision, currency defacement is generally defined as follows: Whoever mutilates, cuts, disfigures, perforates, unites or cements together, or does any other thing to any bank bill, draft, note, or other evidence of debt issued by any national banking association, Federal Reserve Bank, or Federal Reserve System, with intent to render such item(s) unfit to be reissued, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than six months, or both.
  3. The left is very tolerant........................... IF you agree with them.
  4. Now THAT dude has some serious character !!!!! CONGRATS !!!!!
  5. Strut10

    OK Buck

    YOWZER !!!!!!!!!! GREAT deer !!!!!!!!!
  6. Well...................... I just did a redneck sight-in on the new 20. Almost ashamed of what I did. Usually I get out the 30" paper and rangefinder and 10" disc and calculator.................... It's sloppy wet out and I ain't in the mood. So I put a green bean can (a whisker bigger than a standard soup can) out at 30 yards and shot it standing, offhand. Annihilated it. So back to 40 yards. Crushed it. Then to 50 yards. Blew it off the log. Then to 60 yards. Blew it off the log. So it's hitting well enough to go hunting................. Oh. By the way..................... all of those test shots were with 7/8 oz. low brass Winchester #7 1/2's !!!! The ones you get in Walmart for $24/100 pack............. Pretty sure the 3" Federal heavy 7's will be sufficient to 40 yards.............. Rest assured.................... I will do this the proper way on a nicer day.
  7. Hopefully it ends up on your wall anyways !!!!
  8. It's been almost 3 years in the making......... I picked up an H&R 162 single barrel 20 gauge as a turkey gun project. It's been out to Sumtoy Custom and been threaded and came back with a new tube (specifically for the Federal Heavyweight #7 shotshell) for those threads. It's had a Weaver rail installed and a Burris red dot attached to that. It needed a little tweaking on the lock-up of the action and that's been done. Stuck some swivels and a neoprene sling on it...... All it needs now is sighted in. Hoping to get that done next weekend so I can maybe get it out for the 3 day season coming up over Thanksgiving weekend.
  9. Great story !!! CONGRATS on a good deer !!!!!!!!
  10. DANDY buck !!!!! Who cares WHAT a buck that pretty scores ??? Lol !!! He's a shooter in just about anybody's book................ But I'll toss out 135"-138" gross as a rough guesstimate.
  11. Strut10

    The Great 8

    DANG IT, Al........................ !!!!!!! That is one STUD of a deer !!!!!!!!!!!!!! CONGRATS to you !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  12. Strut10

    funny how

    A lot of times a good pair of binocs will give positive I.D. on a deer that cannot yet be seen in the dark with the naked eye.....................
  13. Maybe a brisket hit. A lot of times that's the way a deer will act. So strange how sometimes a great hit bleeds little and a non-fatal hit will bleed a lot............ strange critters, them deer
  14. Sounds like you're good and ready to start with a flintlock, now................... !!!!
  15. Our archery season closed yesterday. I was fortunate enough to get an opportunity at a 3.5 or 4.5 year buck and connected. Monday after thanksgiving, our firearms season opens. I'll celebrate that by going to work................same as the last 29 openers............ but I have two doe tags. One of those may go to my little killer girl, Pickle, depending on whether she gets a buck or not. We'll give it a go on the Saturdays. Then the day after Christmas, our late archery and flintlock season comes in. Can't wait to take at least one doe tag out with the smokepole in hand !!!! I've become quite addicted to the flintlock thing over the last few years............
  16. I see you drag deer the same way we do.................. front bucket of a Kubota !!! LOL !!!!!!!!!!
  17. Strut10


    Only changes here this year have to do with CWD zones............................. yep. Great................. we have it here, too, now. My place is not in a CWD zone as yet. But it's not far away. Drove up to some gunshops an hour or so away week before last and there's a big sign by a municipal building marking a CWD dumpster location. Wont be long til it hits here
  18. Good to at least get some closure and KNOW what happened. What did you end up deciding on for the skull/rack ??
  19. What's irritating is the neighboring landowner who owns MORE property than I do ,not holding as high a standard on his ground...................yet he puts 3 stands basically on property line trees between him and me ..................... The guy does NO plantings.................. NO habitat improvement work................... just sits and hopes he can get a glimpse of a good deer over on my side of the line. Pure laziness............
  20. Trailcam bucks will drive you nuts................... I used to run 5 cams on my small property 365 days a year. Bucks would be there all year..............others would be there til you wanted to kill them, then disappear.............. others that you never, ever saw before would show up for a day or a week only to never be seen again. I haven't had a cam out for 3 seasons, now. Ironically............ I have killed my best 3 bucks the past 3 seasons............ Go figger.............
  21. Summit makes a great stand . Have a close friend that works for them.
  22. Just saw a pic on the net last night of a buck going out through the front window of a retail store........... About 10 years ago, on the first morning of our gun season, I had a small buck nearly run me over on the sidewalk in front of Gamestop in the Walmart plaza !!!!!
  23. Still using a Loggy Bayou Loggy Lite from, like, 25 years ago. GREAT lightweight stand at about 9 or 10 lbs. But, obviously, unavailable anymore. Have a buddy who works for Summit. He really likes the Mini Viper. Let us know what you think of It