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Everything posted by Strut10

  1. So may we assume you're a Mountainside kinda guy ??? Lol !!!
  2. P.S. Enjoy Nebraska !!! Those pine ridges are some of the most beautiful country I've ever hunted turkeys in !!!!
  3. I'm hoping to have a good story by next Saturday.......................... Will be taking my little assassin girl, Pickle out for youth day. We did some scouting yesterday. Looking and sounding like there are some birds around. I'll have her run my newly readied 20 gauge. Between the Pickle and the gun, the birds should be afraid. VERY afraid.......................
  4. CONGRATS on an exciting hunt and a fine bird !!!!!
  5. Nebraska private land.................................... good deal !!!
  6. Nice !!!! CONGRATS !!!! Where ya gonna be for Merriam's ?? You doing guided or public ??
  7. No. Not a chance at this location.
  8. There's a couple ................ one or the other is gonna have to do................ but neither is even close to being in as perfect a location as the one I've been using.
  9. Holy cow !!! Lol !!! I'm still counting down to spring gobbler season.............and it's still a good ways off............... Gonna be a sad year, bowhunting this year.................. My tree died. It's a Scotch pine. Probably died of old age. They don't last more than 50-60 years, tops. It is the absolute PERFECT location to hunt the hottest rut spot on the Strut10 Ranch. 3 of the 6 bucks on my wall were arrowed from that tree.....................
  10. Nooooooo............................. Just pink. There's a picture somewhere....................
  11. Way to git r done, Al !!!! CONGRATS !!!!!!!!
  12. Realtree and Scott have ALWAYS stood tall in supporting the Forums contests. Mucho kudos !!!!
  13. could go the pink nightie route................... It's been done.
  14. Way to git r done !!!!!!!!!! CONGRATS !!!!!!!!!
  15. AWESOME !!!!!!!!!!!! CONGRATS !!!!!!!!
  16. 6 week of waiting yet, here.................. I have yet to hear a gobble. Guess I don't wanna get to fired up just yet or it'll NEVER get here. Best of luck to you next week, Al !! You go ahead and get things started for us.............
  17. April 20th you could be golden or you could be in deep snow................... hope the old gal is good to you !!
  18. A Browning BPS .410 would be just what the doctor ordered for you, Ruth................. Tang safety.............bottom eject............quality gun.............. what's not to like ???
  19. 3 out of 4 got one bird (you're allowed 3 tags, I think). I came home birdless, but by my own choosing. I coulda made it 4 for 4 but didn't pull the trigger. Just wasn't the bird I went there to shoot. Be that as it may.............. I'd wait til late April/ 1st of May if I ever went again
  20. This was +/- April 17th, 2014.............. We got into Chadron the first day the airport was open after a 24" snowstorm. Hunted in squalls and blizzards with sustained winds from 40 to 50 mph..............with gusts. We had to leave ultra early two days later to get ahead of the next 15" that was coming............... First time I ever hunted spring birds in Realtree Snow camo !!!
  21. Beautiful area, for sure !!! Just don't book it for too early in the season.................unless you like hunting gobblers in knee deep snow..............
  22. Strut10

    Bucket List

    Guess a Merriam's and an Osceola gobbler (or two or three of each) are on my bucket list...................... Coulda checked the Merriam's off in 2014, but didn't squeeze the trigger. Mature bird............... just wasn't the bird I was looking to tie my tag on. Also want to arrow a Booner..................... on the Strut10 Ranch. That's gonna be a chore. I know there's been a chance one or two across the hallowed grounds over the last 10 years or so. But sticking an arrow through one is a stretch. Other than that, I'm a pretty content feller..................
  23. Either yo need to have it looked at for a mechanical problem...................which I doubt is the case....................... or...................... more likely operator error. Is yours a 3 1/2" chamber ?? You could be "short shucking" the action. It's not hard to do. The 3 1/2"guns, especially, will eject the spent casing before the pump is completely pulled rearward. If, at that point, you start the pump forward, the gun can and probably will jam. My 10 gauge has run FLAWLESSLY for over 25 years. But I guarantee that if the next shell fired out of it gets short shucked............................ it'll most likely jam.
  24. Just noticed that there is, apparently, no Realtree booth/display at the NWTF Convention this year. Annnnd............ Realtree is not listed on the NWTF website as a partner anymore. Been a few years since I attended a convention. But Realtree always had about the biggest display in the place......... Anyone know whaddup with that ??
  25. Seriously ???????????!!!!!!!!!! How come ??